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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Home Insurance
Date: 08/25/2024 9:31 AM
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good article linked from Ritholtz site on home insurance. Something even climate change deniers would have to admit is that the cost of insuring a home is rising fast, especially in areas that people want to live ( ie coastal, whether ocean or freshwater ), but they are rising everywhere.
It simply costs more to rebuild, whether the rebuild is caused by ocean flooding, river flooding, tornados,wildfires,....., so no location in the USA is going to be unaffected by this. Insurance companies are clearly signaling that they believe weather patterns are changing, and rates are reflecting that. But it's not just climate change, it's also regulatory issues.
Things are going to get interesting,lol.



"US home insurers lost $15.2b last year, the most since 2000. Private insurance companies have to balance the risk of the policies they take on with plain vanilla investments and hedges. If the risk becomes too high, they stop writing policies"

"The reason that rates have skyrocketed for homeowners is because repair costs are surging due to inflation. Structural replacement costs have been 55% of the insurance increase between 2020 - 2022 - and that increase is due to the cost of construction materials.

There are also issues with insurance fraud (Florida accounts for 9% of home insurance claims but 79% of lawsuits over filed claims)"

"What is happening in insurance is not just because of climate change. It’s this mix of regulatory gaps (too much regulation in states like California and too little regulation in other states, like Enid) and a double layer cake of reinsurers and insurers, and a paradoxical twist - that if we build more homes, we need even more insurance than we thought."

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