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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: October? Surprise!
Date: 10/29/2024 6:59 PM
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Former President Donald Trump said he didn’t know who comedian Tony Hinchcliffe was before he made a disparaging remark about Puerto Rico during a rally for Trump Sunday at Madison Square Garden, which Trump described as a “love fest” later Tuesday—as the fallout from the comment continues to draw headlines just a week before the election.

Apparently, Puerto Ricans aren’t buying Trump’s standard BS reply that “he didn’t know who comedian Tony Hinchcliffe was.” Plus, he hasn’t denounced the comments. After all, Trump never apologizes.

Frankly, they rightly appear to be quite upset. And the feeling is that it’s too late to apologize anyway.

Bah. Who cares what a bunch of Puerto Ricans think anyway?

JD Vance thinks it’s no big deal and they should get over themselves.

Trump responded to Hinchcliffe as the bipartisan backlash continues to swell—on Monday the island’s Catholic Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez and head of the Puerto Rico Republican Party, Ángel Cintrón, called on Trump to apologize, with Gonzalez writing in a letter to Trump that “it is important that you, personally, apologize for these comments.”

Trump apologize? Ha ha ha.

The number of eligible voters who are Latino in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania have more than doubled between 2000 and 2022, and more than half are of Puerto Rican descent, according to the Latino Politics & Policy Institute.


Someone here might want to hedge their bets.

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