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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 12:58 PM
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So - Trump continues to insist he's President until the election is certified, the election never gets certified, and then....what happens? Who is the President on January 21, 2021? At that point, the unsatisfactory - but probably correct - answer is that the President on that day is the person that the military is willing to take orders from. And while that might possibly be Biden, and not Trump, that's certainly not a democratic process any more. The winner wouldn't at that point be decided by the vote that was taken on Election Day, but by exercise of power by the military. And if they back Trump, Biden isn't going to be able to take office - defeating the results of the election.

Would the military have followed Trump? Absolutely not.
Then there's the riots in the streets aspect, which would change the calculus.
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