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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Mark 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12534 
Subject: Re: Advanced talks to sell RE Brokerage to Compass
Date: 03/17/2025 8:35 AM
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My idea: 1% on, say, the first million (an amount I figured I could get on my own) and 20% on anything above that.

A "cliff" like that is usually a good incentive to get a higher price. However, it is also an incentive to NOT deal with anyone who will pay less than $1.2M (for them to earn commission roughly equal to what they usually get, say 4% or so). If they sell it for $1.05M, they earn very little, perhaps 1/4 of what they usually earn. In the absence of a plethora of buyers/bidders, that property will remain on the market for as long as it takes to reach that $1.2M+ price.
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