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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: jetjockey787   😊 😞
Number: of 12539 
Subject: Re: OT: Car Max (KMX)
Date: 05/26/2023 5:42 PM
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Wait for it to be irrationally cheap, load up, wait for it to be fully prices, lighten up, repeat.
(or just wait for it to be irrationally cheap, load up, and fuggedaboudit, if that's your style)

I did the latter actually. I don't like to time things all that much, except when they get cheap enough'BRK especially. Got lucky I guess in 2021, and bought a large chunk of DLTR in the mid eighties. Failed to pulled the trigger the following year when that positioned doubled. I believe Jim bailed out at some point. I'm still holding. That's the difference between a know nothing investor (ME!) and one who has more impeccable timing and better micro understanding of the company. I find that buying decisions are easier for me, but selling is awfully hard. I get attached too easily to the story. Well, I guess at least I have established a bit of a margin of safety in DLTR, unless they make a mortal mistake going forward. I liken the 'shrink' issue to the AMEX Salad Oil crisis, a temporary mis-pricing that can be solved in time, but will cost some $$. That's Cramer's take on it anyways'even though I'm not a fan, I think he's right this time. Fix it, or else. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2023/05/25/crameras-mad...

I went into my local DLTR the other day. I never really shop there'just wanted to observe the traffic'ahem'ended up walking out with some stationery items, a couple kitchen utensils, a large 2 liter bottle of Coke (I rarely drink the stuff, lol, but'), and something else I've been addicted to lately ' those Russell Stover dark chocolate mint patties by the bag. It's not Sees chocolates but they're pretty damn good for my palate anyways. It's a brand I always remembered seeing on shelves in the markets here growing up in New England. So, now I have to make a quick stop at DLTR every couple days to grab some chocolates before heading over with friends at the coffee shop. Not bad for a buck and a quarter.
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