No. of Recommendations: 3
"I think this overly minimizes the considerable political skills he's demonstrated in his ten years in public life. He's an enormously capable self-marketer - astonishingly adept at harvesting free media, cultivating an image of himself among his customers/supporters, and recognizing far better than most what media channels are effective in this day and age at reaching his target audience."
I agree with that. He knows exactly what to say, and how to say it, to his supporters.
I just have 0 faith in the Country following his ideas in regards to Trump running the
Country like he ran his businesses. He was not a good businessman. He bk'd casinos.
His real estate empire teetered on bk many times, and his Dad bailed him out more than once.
He was reckless, and thought he was smarter than anybody in the world. But I know you're
looking beyond that, and dealing with the reality we have. He is President. Can he deal with it for the good of the Country ? I truly hope I'm wrong in my opinion of him.