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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Any Republicans on this board?
Date: 10/25/2024 12:33 PM
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I remember a few things about the TEA party. One was what you described. I still remember the sign "keep the government out of my Medicare". That was hysterical, in a sardonic and sad way. They clearly were clueless, and would be an argument for having poll exams before you can vote (yeah, it's unconstitutional).

I also remember that some of the TEA party elected decided to live in the Capitol, as was originally intended. Congressional offices have small apartments attached to them for the officials to sleep. Most use them for storage, and buy opulent houses in nearby VA. Several TEA party folks cleaned out those rooms and moved in. What I really remember is other members of Congress objected to that, and tried to stop it. The reaction to the TEA party members was both funny and annoying, implying a level of entitlement among most congress-slime. I sometimes think that's the one thing the TEA party got right: require members to live in the building in the rooms provided for that purpose. (We could then cut their salaries, since at least once in the past I heard the argument that congresspeople needed more money because they had to maintain a second home in the DC area...which it turns out, they don't have to do that.)
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