No. of Recommendations: 7
I'm hoping there's some law somewhere at either the fed or state level that can be applied, but none of the articles mentioned anything.
This is why voters in all states need to pay close attention to shenanigans in any state. States are no longer labs of democracy, where new, inventive, efficient ways of serving the public are devised, implemented and tested in the hopes of sharing across the country. They are instead places where fringe groups work to perfect language for legislation or regulations that best obfuscates intent to allow enactment or adoption while drawing the least attention from opponents. Once that mix of obfuscation / impact is perfected, the results are spread to other states before most of the public figures out what is going on.
These current tactics being implemented in Georgia can be laid directly at the feet of Chief Justice Roberts, who crassly claimed America achieved a state of post-racial zen and no longer needed voting rights protections. It was a truly cynical bit of mental jujitsu. By claiming prior voting rights protections WORKED, he was presumably patting progressives patronizingly on the head (good job, your plan was needed forty years ago, it worked!) while claiming humans were now perfect and would never backslide so those pesky protections weren't needed.
It's the equivalent of examining guardrails along ten miles of highway, determining no vehicle has run into them in the last ten years, then concluding they should be removed.