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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 0
Propublica story. Becky discussed the story with Charlie not Warren. Now Becky, Sorkin, and Joe are offering their , theories, with respect to what actually happened. Sokol gate is being discussed again as well. This has now become very bizarre , it has been very poorly handled, and should have been settled last week. Strange times in Brkville.
No. of Recommendations: 8
You appear to be obsessed with this ridiculous article.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Later this morning, Becky and friends also brought up the dispute with the Flying J family.
No. of Recommendations: 0
""You appear to be obsessed with this ridiculous article."" For those of us who have owned brk for decades, the cnbc coverage this week has been very, curious, to be kind. Obviously, Becky and the team disagree with you or they wouldn't be covering it.
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. of Recommendations: 0
Blacks, good find bud. Any idea why Charlie is responding to the question and not Warren? Thanks.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Because Charlie is the quote "Elder Statesman and Moral Authority" and it's a storm in a teacup - might want to Google that one, prob not an American proverb.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Beck was interviewing Charlie for his 100 birthday special . That's why Becky was out last week .
No. of Recommendations: 15
"This has now become very bizarre , it has been very poorly handled, and should have been settled last week."
It my mind it was settled last week when no real evidence of actual wrongdoing was produced. Only allegations and inuendo that quickly crumble under minimal scrutiny.
So I think it has been handled just fine. No need to say anything. By responding, Buffett just gives air to something silly. Besides, Buffett cannot respond every time someone makes ridiculous allegations against him. If he did, he wouldn't have time to do anything else.
Besides, Becky wasn't really reporting on the story. She was speculating on the story. Reporting would involve producing actual facts.
No. of Recommendations: 12
"Obviously, Becky and the team disagree with you or they wouldn't be covering it."
They are covering it because controversy attracts eyeballs. Even if that controversy is manufactured.
Maybe someday people will realize that most business news isn't news. It is entertainment. It isn't there to inform, it is there to entertain.
Don't be continually fooled by it.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Same thing with the whole Chris Christie " Buffett taking Social Security etc.."
No. of Recommendations: 9
Same thing with the whole Chris Christie " Buffett taking Social Security etc.."
Yes - at least the Chris Christie accusation states the premises a little more clearly.
Christie: “I don’t know if Warren Buffett is collecting Social Security but if he is, shame on you,” said Christie. “You shouldn’t be taking the money.”
ProPublica, paraphrased*: I don't have any dates on these transactions which would allow me to judge whether they are in conflict of interest or, rather, whether they are precisely to avoid the conflict of interest, but if they are in conflict of interest, they contradict Buffett's claims of avoiding conflicts of interest.
In both cases, the appropriate response is, if you ever get something concrete to talk about, then maybe I'll talk about it. And shame on Christie and Sorkin for making such hypothetical accusations.
(I might also mention that there is no shame in taking whatever deductions, credits, and benefits you might qualify for, regardless of your financial status, and all the more so if you are giving 99% of your fortune to charity anyways.)
*Literally: "On at least three occasions, Buffett has traded stocks in his personal account in the same quarter or the quarter before Berkshire bought or sold shares of the same companies, doing so before the conglomerate’s moves were disclosed to the public.
These trades may violate Berkshire’s ethics policies, authored by Buffett himself, which require “all actual and anticipated securities transactions of Berkshire” be publicly disclosed before Berkshire employees can trade the stocks personally."