No. of Recommendations: 11
Gee, you'd think the NRA's "Defend the 2nd Amendment" event would be right up Dementia Don's alley but evidently the Trump campaign isn't taking any chances he'll look and sound moronic even on friendly turf.
Lessee... dementia Don has now backed out of interviews on CNBC, NBC, "60 Minutes" and has refused to participate in another debate after stranding MAGAts in the dark five miles from their cars at Coachella, sh1tting the bed at the Chicago Economic club, and struggling to coherently answer questions at the Univision town hall (despite Univision treating the event like a Trump commercial).
The Trump campaign has learned what many democrats have been saying lately: the more people see and hear Trump, the crazier, weaker, and less qualified to be president he looks and sounds.
Interesting strategy: hide unless you can pack the audience with cultists (like Fox "News" did with its Georgia townhall, where the Georgia Federation of Republican Women said
that they were “Super excited for the opportunity of hosting this event right here in Georgia!” Fake union autoworkers, fake Scranton firefighters, fake Swifties for Trump, fake town hallers. With Trump it's lies, fear, and plenty of weird.