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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Our DNI Promotes Russian Propaganda
Date: 03/17/2025 9:32 PM
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2 longtime putin experts attempted to categorize the degree which trump is a russian asset. they are both flabbergasted.

alex vindman-
vindman was exposed to very high level classified info, which he cannot even refer to as a basis of confirmation\denial. vindman stated that trump is just reciprocating based on putin's influence campaign in the 2016 election. (personally, that benefit does not seem to be emotionally durable enough to keep trump happy).
if this is the key motivation, it seems vulnerable to putin accidentally being caught saying anything negative (e.g., wow, that trump is dumb) AND then also not being able to convince trump it was a deep fake, or distract by real-time public\private flattery.

peter zeihan-
using GRB's own nonlinear grading system for foreign assets, stated that sufficient multi-national intelligence supports gabbard as clearly falling into the highest grade, and first such for any american citizen. tucker carlson is mid-tier.
because 'impact' factors into the classification, zeihan refused to speculate any more on trump, which is out of character.
notably, he also did not mention any of the murdoch family.
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