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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 8:01 AM
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Each day there are more revelations into the programs that USAID spends our taxpayer money on. You can see why USAID and their suppoters did not anybody looking into their books..,

Here is the latest to add to the list of fake expenditures being created out of thin air by the Trump Admin in order to bash this virtuous agency.

$1.5M to Serbian LGBTQ Rights Group
$2.5M for Electric Vehicles for Vietnam
$30M for South African Transgender HIV Research
$4M for Ugandan LGBTQ Rights Group
$6M for Egyptian Tourism.

I can hardly wait for the agencies T&E expenditures to see some sunlight.

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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 8:25 AM
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$1.5M to Serbian LGBTQ Rights Group
$2.5M for Electric Vehicles for Vietnam
$30M for South African Transgender HIV Research
$4M for Ugandan LGBTQ Rights Group
$6M for Egyptian Tourism.

That's .11% of 40 billion. That's all they could come up with to shut it down?
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 9:16 AM
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>>$1.5M to Serbian LGBTQ Rights Group
$2.5M for Electric Vehicles for Vietnam
$30M for South African Transgender HIV Research
$4M for Ugandan LGBTQ Rights Group
$6M for Egyptian Tourism.<<

That's .11% of 40 billion. That's all they could come up with to shut it down? - Lapsody


Tiny isn't it. But the audit is just getting underway. There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

Also what I posted above was not presented as an exhaustive list. Recall other posts concerning the funding of an LGBTQ Opera in some foreign country whose name I don't recall right now. Then the $20,000 LGBTQ Comic Books for Peru.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio has stated on several occasions that there are worthwhile programs being supported through USAID. But first the Agency needs to be reformed to better align with US Foreign Policy and to be more careful and frugal when doling out US Taxpayer dollars.

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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 11:35 AM
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But the audit is just getting underway. There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

I’m sure there are such reports. But if those reports were actually true, it would be trivially easy to find those T&E payments. Sort the payments coming out of USAID by size and look at the top 5% or 10%. T&E payments would be all over that selection.

I am a self described terrible auditor, but even I know how to find something that large.

So why did these minuscule payments come out first in the headlines and not those supposedly massive T&E payments?

I’ll tell you why. Because payments of that size don’t exist. If they did, that would be the headline. Those report you refer to are just lies to get you riled up.

Quit falling for the lies, Mike. You are smarter than that.

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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 12:08 PM
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Each day there are more revelations into the programs that USAID spends our taxpayer money on. You can see why USAID and their suppoters did not anybody looking into their books..,

I have no doubt that buried in the gargantuan budget of USAID, you are going to find some items that you disagree with.

But take some of the very items you listed-
South African Transgender HIV research

First thing to note is the title: is this the actual title, or is this the interpretive spin applied by Musk’s band of happy destroyers.

Second thing: HIV has been a scourge in Africa. Addressing it with USAID money was a GWB initiative and well worth the money. Are transgenders a significant vector for HIV? That’s a question worth studying and addressing. So, sorry, but based on the limited title you provide, I call it a worthy area of research.

2 Ugandan LGBTQ rights

Given that Uganda passed a law in 2023 making homosexual activity a crime punishable by death, I’d say USAID money spent in defense of LGBTQ human rights was well spent.

And that’s just off the top of my head.

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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 12:14 PM
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There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

There are no “reports”.

Only propaganda.

Facts and truth have left the building.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 12:18 PM
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There are people ripping through the spider web that is USAID's money. Like this:


48 vCPUs are throttled curating the USAID grant network for every single EIN, will take a while (~12 hours). Which is fine, it gives
time to prettify it in the morning.

Blame the federal government for creating such computational complexity.

But here's a teaser - this is what the network for Defending Democracy Together Institute looks like. The graph represents grants from various USAID-affliated NGOs flowing to Kristol's non-profit.

That picture is interesting. That's the money flow from USAID to Bill Kristol's NeverTrump BS. You can see why the d's are so up in arms over USAID being under review; how many other democrat political groups are being funded by US taxpayer dollars, both directly and indirectly?

That needs to stop, yesterday. Oh, right - it did!

Notice how everyone on the board is A-OK with this.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 12:21 PM
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Only propaganda.


That onrushing sound you hear, down in the subway?

That's the sound of...accountability.

And it's coming.
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Author: PinotPete   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 12:44 PM
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Notice how everyone on the board is A-OK with this.

v. some who are just A-O KKK with it.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:16 PM
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v. some who are just A-O KKK with it.

Ahh, yes.


The go-to for those who don't have anything worthwhile to say.
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:20 PM
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Each day there are more revelations into the programs that USAID spends our taxpayer money on. You can see why USAID and their suppoters did not anybody looking into their books..,

If you are truly worried about fraud, waste and abuse, you must look at the DoD budget. You will find vastly more waste there than anywhere else in the Federal budget.

Will that happen...doubt it. Sacred cow.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:21 PM
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That's .11% of 40 billion. That's all they could come up with to shut it down?



Why you helped Trump win.

Couldn't at least *acknowledge* it......

Here's hoping Elon gets in to the You People Pants.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:25 PM
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Notice how everyone on the board is A-OK with this.

Notice how you are pulling out the old “X contribute’s to A which in turn contributes to B, and because I hate B, then X Must be crushed”

Hell this entireadministration is white nationalist/Nazi adjacent. By dooe’s logic, this whole administration should be defunded and prosected.

Come to think of it……
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:34 PM
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And meanwhile:


Despite the fact that Moroccans have been making pottery for thousands of years, USAID spent more than $2 million for Moroccan pottery classes and promotion.

The idea clearly wasn't fully formed, because the translator they hired didn't even speak English.

USAID spends money like it’s going out of fashion, literally.

Trade assistance to Ukraine paid for models and designers to take trips to New York City, London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and South by Southwest in Austin.

Vacations were top of mind clearly for USAID.

The agency spent $2 million promoting tourism to Lebanon, a nation the State Department warns against traveling to “due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, unexploded landmines, and the risk of armed conflict.”

If you think that is bad, it gets much worse.

USAID funneled nearly $1 million into batty research on coronaviruses at China’s infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, which the CIA admits was the likely source of COVID-19.

During the height of the war in Afghanistan, USAID spent millions of dollars to help Afghans grow crops instead of opium.

The results: opium poppy cultivation across the country nearly doubled, according to the UN.

USAID asked, “Can you tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street?” and ended up in Iraq.

USAID authorized a whopping $20 million to create a Sesame Street in Iraq.

USAID has long been a reckless, out-of-control, unaccountable rogue agency.

More than $9 million of USAID’s “humanitarian aid” intended to feed civilians in Syria ended up in the hands of violent terrorists, including an affiliate of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:37 PM
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Notice how you are pulling out the old “X contribute’s to A which in turn contributes to B, and because I hate B, then X Must be crushed”

Hell this entireadministration is white nationalist/Nazi adjacent.

As I said. When the libs have nothing, they resort to this.

Me, I'd like them to keep shouting this stuff from every rooftop they can find. America loves a spectacle...and always votes in the opposite direction.

Keep it up. Meanwhile, your grift is being exposed. How ironic that democrats always accuse Republicans of "looting the Treasury" but here's concrete evidence that it's the dems once again doing the thing they accuse others of.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 1:56 PM
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That's the sound of...accountability.

It’s actually the sound of “vengeance” fueled by propaganda and the demonstrated desire to destroy major portions of the federal government in order to facilitate the dictatorial takeover of the country.

You’ve been bum rushed by Trump and Musk. Unfortunately, so have the rest of us.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:07 PM
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There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

There are no “reports”.

Only propaganda.

Facts and truth have left the building. - Bill


I don't know for sure if the 50% from an anonymous source is even in the ballpark, it sounds too high to me. I am fine with allowing the audit to proceed to find out and release supporting details for this and other suspicious expenditures.

Likewise you don't know for sure either, but seem quite ready to declare 100% propaganda, nothing to see here. I am fine too with your side promoting the "nothing to see here, you shouldn't even be allowed to even look" approach to oversight.

In general, I think the culture of secrecy in government needs to end. Government should be more responsive and open with information it is holding, such as when providing public updates on disasters, domestic criminal activity, and foreign threats. And especially responsive for subpoenas from Congressional committees and FOIA requests from individual congressmen. Let the sun shine in and allow American voters to decide what makes sense or not, as they just did in the last election.

The citizens have a legitimate right to know how their tax money is being used and in the case of USAID who in the agency leadership is authorizing those expenditures.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:10 PM
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It’s actually the sound of taxpayer money being accounted for, something that used to matter.

If you want to call it "vengeance" to cut off the flow of taxpayer money to a bunch of democrat party front groups, then go right ahead.

The rest of us call what your party does with the word that best describes it: Fraud.

I saw another comment that mentioned this looks a lot like money laundering. Can't wait to see if any RICO stuff applies here.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:14 PM
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There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

I short list like that coupled with 40-50% speculation is a Trump MO. And if there is nothing ever concrete, it just fades into the background, and/or another lie/spin is made to distract. So ya got nothing.
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:21 PM
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There are reports that T&E in USAID may be 40-50% of Agency expenditures.

LOL Kinda like this report?

"I sent my private investigators to Hawaii to look into Barack Obama's birth certificate, and I couldn't believe what they're finding!"

Of course this claim was just another Trump lie. Trump never actually sent any investigators to Hawaii.

Lie to the stupids, rinse and repeat.

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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:31 PM
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2 Ugandan LGBTQ rights

And Mike, the passage of that law is aided and abetted by American evangelicals promoting an anti-gay agenda in the country.
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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:37 PM
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I am fine too with your side promoting the "nothing to see here, you shouldn't even be allowed to even look" approach to oversight.

I'm not OK with that. Because the various department already have oversight. Or they did have it until Trump fired all of Inspectors General who provide that oversight.

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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:37 PM
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Hell this entireadministration is white nationalist/Nazi adjacent.

Paging Deplorables.....

You are white nationalist and Nazi adjacent.

Funny how the 401K'ers are the Whites keeping blacks out of their schools and rejecting school choice.

Funny how 401K'ers allow anti Jewish chants and attitudes openly on their campuses.

Yet, you, and those you support are ALL white nationalists and Nazi adjacent.

Sheeples are projecting now.

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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:50 PM
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... and I am sure that Joni Ernst, border cop cosplayer, and FEMA co-splayer for the cameras with carefully coiffed hair, immaculate make-up and faultless uniform (different uniform for different roles) should be trusted to report factually.

Give me a break.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:53 PM
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I am fine with allowing the audit to proceed to find out and release supporting details for this and other suspicious expenditures.

I am willing to make a prediction:

You will not be receiving a factual report. Rather, you will be receiving an "alternative factual report."
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:54 PM
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.. and I am sure that Joni Ernst, border cop cosplayer, and FEMA co-splayer for the cameras with carefully coiffed hair, immaculate make-up and faultless uniform (different uniform for different roles) should be trusted to report factually.

Yup, every data point that you don't like is because someone is lying about it. Good luck with that.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:55 PM
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I saw another comment that mentioned this looks a lot like money laundering. Can't wait to see if any RICO stuff applies here.

Where there's a Bondi/Patel/Trumpian will.... there will always be a Bondi/Patel/Trumpian way.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 2:57 PM
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And Mike, the passage of that law is aided and abetted by American evangelicals promoting an anti-gay agenda in the country.

Worth repeating.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:01 PM
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Where there's a Bondi/Patel/Trumpian will.... there will always be a Bondi/Patel/Trumpian way.

You guys are okay with taxpayer money being funneled to political groups that help democrats get elected.
Note there's no need for a question mark there.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:08 PM
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Yup, every data point that you don't like is because someone is lying about it. Good luck with that.

Not every data point.

Just the data points that this administration calls data but is nothing resembling data.

Granted, as the weeks go by, it will be increasingly more difficult to tell one from the other, because this administration is busy erasing all of the actual data... scrubbing websites, deep-sixing studies and data sets that were collected according according to actual scientific and statistical methods.

Data will increasingly resemble Trump's pronouncements and will bear the unmistakeable signature of his odd verbiage.

Like taking that Sharpie and attempting to change a weather map.

Except now the forecasters will be sufficiently cowed to obey in advance and make the changes BEFORE he takes out his Sharpie.

This IS one of the most significant Achilles heels of authoritarian regimes...... Nobody wants to confront Dear Leader with the truth. As a result, the country goes to shit and can't do anything in a professional manner.

Just ask the Russian troops getting slaughtered on the front lines in Ukraine and Kursk.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:10 PM
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Not every data point.

Just the data points that this administration calls data but is nothing resembling data.

You have zero idea about "the data". You're just reacting emotionally at this point. That's fine, but it makes these pronouncements of yours beyond suspect.

There's literally nothing that Trump could say that would ever be good enough for you and the other Round the Benders on this board.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:19 PM
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You have zero idea about "the data". You're just reacting emotionally at this point. That's fine, but it makes these pronouncements of yours beyond suspect

As usual, Dope makes an accusation based upon his own scrambling defense of this administration's ridiculous attempts to eliminate the truth.

"You're being emotional," he says.

While closing his eyes to the scrubbed websites, the scientific studies being erased from government repositories.. the studies being defunded, based on some flimsy DEI or "Marxist" accusation.

Right before his eyes..... and he refuses to see.

All he has to do is hear the magic words "DEI" or "Marxist" or "woke".... and he's fine with the erasures.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:28 PM
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If you are truly worried about fraud, waste and abuse, you must look at the DoD budget. You will find vastly more waste there than anywhere else in the Federal budget. - ges


Lets do both.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:33 PM
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As usual, Dope is right.

"You're being emotional," he says.

Rational, clear headed people don't call everyone they have a disagreement with NAZIFASCISTHITLERPUTINPOLPOT something sOmEtHiNg.

That's not healthy. But if you need to vent, by all means. Several other people here have reduced themselves to the digital equivalent of the guy standing by the highway on-ramp holding a sign that in tiny little letters talks about how the aliens are adding microbes to our soil. Nobody stops to read it; they just drive on by.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 3:35 PM
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Lets do both.

The Pentagon's program offices and acquisition procedures should be put under the freaking microscope. The crap they pull is borderline dangerous for national security. Plus, what kind of an organization fails this many audits in a row?

FDR during WWII would have had someone's b@lls in a sling.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:00 PM
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Rational, clear headed people don't call everyone they have a disagreement with NAZIFASCISTHITLERPUTINPOLPOT something sOmEtHiNg.

Rational people don't falsify what people actually say, in order to knock them down as strawmen.

Looking at your list in all-caps, the last thing I said that bears any resemblance to your spittle flecked list has to do with Pol Pot.

You said "calling everyone they have a disagreement with- "NAZIFASCISTetcetcPOLPOTetcetc...."

Except I don't call everyone I have a disagreement with "NAZIetcetc......"

I didn't even call YOU Pol Pot.

I said you sounded like him, and I stand by that. You were on a rant, calling for rooting out Democrats "root and branch" in a string of emails. If you don't like someone saying you sound like Pol Pot, then stop sounding like Pol Pot.

There's a difference between sounding like Pol Pot and being Pol Pot.

Apparently, you missed the distinction.

Now you're sounding like Mr. Discombobulator, attempting to throw spaghetti at the wall in a random fashion to see what sticks.
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:00 PM
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I'm not OK with that. Because the various department already have oversight. Or they did have it until Trump fired all of Inspectors General who provide that oversight.



Lets just disagree. I see a lot more enthusiasm for the task and a lot more information revealed to the public in two weeks than all of IG's combined output in 2024. And I don't blame the IG's either. The IG's meticulous investigative reports and recommendations were largely ignored - quite similar to the NTSB guy lamenting the FAA's disregard for most of their safety recommendations.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:07 PM
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Rational people don't falsify what people actually say, in order to knock them down as strawmen.

You're flinging around NAZI this and NAZI that so much the terms have no relevance.

Either way, I don't care. If you need a space to vent your spleen and it makes you feel better to rant like that, be my guest.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:11 PM
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Lets just disagree. I see a lot more enthusiasm for the task and a lot more information revealed to the public in two weeks than all of IG's combined output in 2024. And I don't blame the IG's either. The IG's meticulous investigative reports and recommendations were largely ignored - quite similar to the NTSB guy lamenting the FAA's disregard for most of their safety recommendations.

You just hit on WHY Trump fired them. What purpose did they serve?
They worked out of the groups they were auditing - how much truth-telling could they really do?

Literally no one in America would say that the US Federal Government is a model of efficiency and stellar customer service. Even the most strident DeepState apologists here won't go that far (although now that I've typed this, one of them will do it).

Form up a Inspector General corps within the exec branch whose job it is to evaluate performance and efficiency of each branch. Then rotate the people who do the investigating around such that they don't get too attached to the groups they're monitoring <--- this is how it's done in corporate America.

The left will shriek, "Bbbbbut then they won't have any institutional knowledge of who they're reporting on!" The answer to that is to hold these departments to objective standards - like say, being able to account for their money - and hold them to it.
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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:11 PM
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I don't know for sure if the 50% from an anonymous source is even in the ballpark, it sounds too high to me.

Republican claims of crimes and malfeasance hold up as much as Joseph McCarthy waving a list of communist infiltrators. When push comes to shove, the claims are as real as Obama’s birth certificate from Kenya.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:17 PM
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Republican claims of crimes and malfeasance hold up as much as Joseph McCarthy waving a list of communist infiltrators.


History is not really taught in the US. https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/about/cry...
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:18 PM
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Either way, I don't care.
Obviously. Tell us something new.

If you need a space to vent your spleen and it makes you feel better to rant like that, be my guest.

Says the guy whose own spleen seems to be pressurized with a directional nozzle that spews when the internal pressure of your spleen reaches 3000psi.... which happens every day.

OK.... time to back away slowly.... I'm sure we'll tangle again in the future.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:19 PM
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Says the guy whose own spleen seems to be pressurized with a directional nozzle that spews when the internal pressure of your spleen reaches 3000psi.... which happens every day.

Projection. Thy name is lib.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 4:56 PM
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48 vCPUs are throttled curating the USAID grant network for every single EIN, will take a while (~12 hours). Which is fine, it gives
time to prettify it in the morning.

Blame the federal government for creating such computational complexity.

This is no way to handle this. Who is Datarepublic? It doesn't look like there's any independent review. There's no way to assess this. It's titillation for MAGA. What's your accusation at Kristol at this point? I don't see anything nefarious yet.

So is data the 18 year old on Musk's crew?
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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 7:21 PM
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wzambon.Dope is an actual Dope. Like 100% brainwashed Dope. Or, he is working for Musk/Trump.

Why bother interacting with that Bozo ???
He has never shown 1 single sign of being willing to look at an opinion different
than the garbage that he spews. I put him and the rest of his tribe on ignore
long ago. Sure haven't missed their BS.

I always wondered what it felt like in 1860, and I'm beginning to think it
felt a lot like present day America. Hopefully this sequel does not follow the
original history. But I'm having my doubts.
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 7:55 PM
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IAs usual, Dope makes an accusation based upon his own scrambling defense of this administration's ridiculous attempts to eliminate the truth.

I'm starting to think Dope and most MAGAs are really just fine with the fascist direction that Trump is taking our nation.
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 8:07 PM
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Form up a Inspector General corps within the exec branch whose job it is to evaluate performance and efficiency of each branch. Then rotate the people who do the investigating around such that they don't get too attached to the groups they're monitoring <--- this is how it's done in corporate America.

The left will shriek, "Bbbbbut then they won't have any institutional knowledge of who they're reporting on!" The answer to that is to hold these departments to objective standards - like say, being able to account for their money - and hold them to it. = Dope


Excellent idea, we would at least hear about some of findings and recommendations that presently are only seen within the inspected department. An independent IG Corp could ensure IG recommendation are visible, leading to pressure on the affected departments to adopt or explain why not. Who knows, there very well may be some good reasons for not adopting, but the institutional problem for now is that no one is even asking.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/04/2025 8:20 PM
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When push comes to shove, the claims are as real as Obama’s birth certificate from Kenya.- AW


Or are they as real as the Gold Standard that is Hunter's Laptop?
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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 9:05 AM
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<i<$1.5M to Serbian LGBTQ Rights Group
$2.5M for Electric Vehicles for Vietnam
$30M for South African Transgender HIV Research
$4M for Ugandan LGBTQ Rights Group
$6M for Egyptian Tourism.

A fraction of Trump's annual golf expenses foisted on US Taxpayers.
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Author: Iampops 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 9:46 AM
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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 9:50 AM
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$340,000,000 and still counting.
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 9:50 AM
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"Trump’s Golf Trips Could Cost Taxpayers Over $340 Million"

Holy crap! Massive government waste spotted...Where is Elon?
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 9:53 AM
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$340,000,000 and still counting.

That article is 5 years old. You know that Trump will be fleecing the taxpayers for far more this time.
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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 10:04 AM
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Yep. Still counting.
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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 10:12 AM
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dopey projecting: There's literally nothing that Trump could say that would ever be good enough for you and the other Round the Benders on this board.

Truth from Trump's racist piehole would be a good start.

Nah gah happen.

Trump's a pathological liar.

Pathological lying, also known as pseudologia fantastica, is a chronic behavior characterized by the habitual or compulsive tendency to lie. It involves a pervasive pattern of intentionally making false statements with the aim to deceive others, sometimes for no clear or apparent reason, and even if the truth would be beneficial to the liar.

Trump's cult has embraced his lies and his pattern of reflexive partisan lying, now that he is POTUS with the spineless House behind him, to the detriment of the world

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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 10:30 AM
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dopey projecting: There's literally nothing that Trump could say that would ever be good enough for you and the other Round the Benders on this board.

Please alert me when he says something that is not an outright lie, or stupid, or racist, or misogynist, or cruel, or disgusting in some other way. He's a POS.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 11:21 AM
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To those who wish to continue complaining about USAID expenditures:

We spent more on Trump’s golf outings during his first term, so GFY.
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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More on USAID Expenditures of Taxpayer Money
Date: 02/05/2025 1:12 PM
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To those who wish to continue complaining about USAID expenditures: We spent more on Trump’s golf outings during his first term, so GFY.

"I think I'm beginning to get it. If it's a policy that benefits the rich, it doesn't have to be paid for, should last forever, and is good for America.
But if it benefits the middle class or the poor, we can't afford it, we should end it as soon as possible, and it will destroy our nation from within." ~Jon Stewart
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