No. of Recommendations: 4
The Chinese rammed a Philippine vessel with a
60 Minutes crew on board.
They are getting ever-more belligerent. Marcos is going to have to be more assertive. There is a time for restraint, but I think he's been more than tolerant. Time to fight back. read something (but can't find it now) that the US and Philippines are talking about possible actions, and US involvement.
As a side note, Vietnam is hardening their stance against China. China is also harassing them, but not as badly, and not as publicly. Plus we don't have a defense treaty with Vietnam.
Meanwhile, the UK has also warned China. don't see China backing down. Assuming the Philippines becomes more assertive about their internationally recognized waters, there will be some shooting soon. Which China will lose badly. Australia, Japan, the US, the UK, and even Germany are siding with the Philippines (a German warship recently made port in the Philippines).
We -the West- need to ween ourselves off cheap Chinese labor as quickly as possible. First, to starve their economy (which helps us in a conflict), and second, to make sure we can make stuff we need without relying on China.