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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Trump: No Federal Income Taxes for...
Date: 10/19/2024 7:00 PM
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In summary, anything that is a reasonably good idea will probably get done. It is unlikely that anything "crazy" will get done.

If American voters are dumb enough to vote for a criminally convicted candidate who would regain already granted sweeping powers of immunity and horrendous protection from evidence about Presidential activities, they are dumb enough to vote for Republican Senators en masse and possibly swing the Senate over as well. This will confirm that a frightening number of voters did not read the America Owners' Manual, especially the chapter on checks and balances between the three branches of government.

If Trump winds up sitting in the White House on January 20, 2025, the damage won't come from legistlative measures. The damage will result based upon:

1) who refuses to work for a Trump Administration to provide sane management of federal agencies
2) who accepts appointments from Trump to run those same agencies and will be approved by a Republican Senate
3) the thousands of others working in local/state government who know nothing about the law and will obey illegal directives from a corrupt President and mimic their own at their level

Trump isn't a criminal mastermind who devises and flawlessly executes diabolical crimes. He is an intellectual / ethical / moral zero who attracts like minds and, through incompetence and inattention, gives them free reign to do pretty much anything. This is like pulling all of the control rods in the reactor at Chernobyl. It creates chaos and impossible to predict disasters on a worldwide scale... Like politicization of public health issues resulting in hundreds of thousands of addition COVID deaths or a war in Ukraine after extorting an ally and signaling an opportunity to Russia by distracting America for two straight years with Impeachment #1 then Impeachment #2.

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