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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Brookfield Corporation (BN)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 471 
Subject: Re: What to sell?
Date: 10/22/2024 12:10 PM
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sorry if confused, but the only philosophy brookfield seems to have with your preferences seem momentum\chartology ?

Just the opposite, I'm a Buffett value investor. I do my own "back of the envelope look thru" earnings calculations to estimate values. 90% of what I'm doing is to pay off a margin loan (less than 5% of my portfolio). The other 10% is to reposition a little from a fairly priced stock to underpriced assets. I'll still end up keeping 80% of my BAM/BN.

Also, I've owned BAM a long time now - most of the Bruce Flatt era. He's a big part of why I like the company. Losing him is similar to BRK losing Buffett. Brookfield has tapped a very rich vein of gold with their advisory business. I don't really see any threats to that other than just getting too big or making poor investment decisions. The next CEO looks impressive, but at this point he's a draft pick and we'll have to wait and see how good a manager/investor he is. From a distance, Flatt seems to have been very good at keeping the talent happy ... not an easy task.
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