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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 10:17 AM
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After the ABC News moderators of the Trump/Harris debate interrupted and fact-checked Trump five times, while not fact-checking Harris once,

Trump got fact checked five times because he NEEDED to be fact checked five times. He was telling such stupidly obvious lies that the moderators couldn’t in good conscience let him get away with the whopping lies.

Why can’t Trump supporters understand this? It’s such a simple concept. And it’s a concept that’s all over real life.

If you drive a couple of MPH over the speed limit, you’re not going to get a ticket. If you drive 20 over, you will. Both are speeding, but it’s a different scale. It’s different because of how egregious it is.

If you underreport your income on your tax return by a couple hundred dollars, you probably won’t get audited. At worst, you might get asked to pay tax on the missed income. But if you underreport by a couple hundred thousand dollars, you’ll get audited, pay some significant penalties, and have other returns looked at as well.

Penn is just a whiney little jerk creating drama where there isn’t any. He is lying to you just as badly as Trump is lying to you.

Grow up and deal with it.

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