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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Date: 10/04/2024 1:50 PM
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No, xianity ignores the OT. Except for the bits they like to push, like no homosexuality and the oppression of women.

But you can't ignore the OT. The Council of Nicea said so. They had the chance -and should have taken it- to drop the OT entirely. Would have made for a cleaner, less sadistic, less contradictory "scripture".

You apparently don't know what you're talking about regarding "militant left wing atheists" (however you may define that). Atheists criticize any and all religion. They are all comparably absurd and/or abhorrent. Xianity in the USA receives the brunt of it because it has the most influence in our society, and so is the one we have to worry most about. Oklahoma isn't placing an order for thousands of Bhagavad Gidas.

But I will (and pretty much all atheists would) criticize Hinduism should that topic come up. Heck, it's polytheistic, so there are even more gods to ridicule. Though I am, admittedly, not as up on Hinduism, so that would limit my credible critiques. Still wouldn't go to a Hindu temple and do it.
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