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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 51st State
Date: 03/11/2025 1:37 PM
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Its unclear why Trump (his intentions are often hard to interpret) but more generally MAGA or Republicans are keen on adding Canada as a 51st state.

No one is. It's a running joke that the media and the democrats don't get.

Marco Rubio explained it in an interview with Catherine Herridge:

In an interview with Canadian-American journalist Catherine Herridge published on Thursday, Rubio recalled a conversation between Trump and Trudeau, in which the latter allegedly suggested that Canada would be unable to cope with increased tariffs.

"Trudeau says, 'if you impose [new tariffs], if you even out our trade relationship, then we will cease to exist as a country.' At which point the president responded very logically, and that is 'if you can't exist without cheating and trade, then you should become a [US] state'," Rubio said.

...which clearly indicates he was telling Trudeau Come on, man.
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