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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: About 75K Fed'l Workers Accept Retirement Pro
Date: 02/13/2025 2:55 PM
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>>They are, but they are not typically offered to every single employee in the entire organization like this - including positions that they would need to refill immediately if an employee took the offer.<<

Depends. I've worked places that offered exactly these kinds of things - to anyone. -Dope


Same here, the Fortune 200 I worked for did more or less the same thing two times as I recall during my fourteen year tenure. I say more or less because the incentive to accept was that the company would add a few years to the employees length of service which set him up for additional severance or would bring actual retirement within reach along with an increase in the amount receives as the benefit from our retirement program. AFAIK, the offer was made to all employees (not the EVP's and C-Suite for you literalists).

Separate from that were periodic layoffs driven by duplication resulting from acquisitions or internal re-organizations. Other layoffs were justified by efficiency studies administered by outside consultants that looked at the value of the outputs produced by each job. Layoffs were an easy was to dispose of problem or non-productive employees that otherwise you were stuck with unless they commit an egregious offense.

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