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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Diversifying away from Berkshire
Date: 12/28/2022 5:44 PM
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I've actually built a screen for this in Fidelity's screener. Takes about 30 minutes to vet up a good list of candidates as a 'screen of screens'.

Like most things in the stock market this year, it did not have a good year outside of energy stocks, like TPL. Most trades were negative, I stopped out of several at @8% down.

One year doesn't make or break a screen/strategy. User errors:
* buying any individual stocks in a bear market (defined by tracked indicators). My FOMO on a bottom got in the way of my eyes.
* Trading monthly (HTD20). I missed the 6 month hold guideline in a early 2021 post by Mungo. Although, there wasn't much turnover in the top stocks month to month.

I also modified it a bit because Fidelity does (now) have TTM rev growth and most recent QoQ revenue growth in addition to the fiscal year #.

It's identified some really profitable and growing companies, like BLDR, ROAD, TPL &c. It also comes across some somewhat sketchy small caps and several MLPs that just shouldn't be held in a taxable account.

Welcome (back) here, Mungo.
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