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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 BRONZE
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Brk news
Date: 06/24/2023 7:51 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 22
Jim has provided great data revealing on average you could withdraw more than this based on BRK's consistent growth in valuation, and still keep your principal amount in Berkshire going forward. The 'lean years' where you could not withdraw 4% based on valuation were uncommon.

I think it's a useful model.
The underlying idea is that, ultimately, the amount you can withdraw from a portfolio without ANY danger of it running out is the rate of increase in the value of the portfolio.
If you don't withdraw more than the real increase in value, perhaps with some smoothing, then the portfolio will last forever...or at least as long as the businesses in it are creating value.

FWIW, below is my latest table of share values. The valuations are adjusted for inflation, then smoothed.
Each value number is the simple average of my "two and a half column" valuation method, and book per share.
The final scale is pretty arbitrary...the thing to look at is the rate of increase, not the actual absolute number.

So, the percentage of your portfolio you can liquidate and spend each quarter is proportional to how much this number has gone up.
To the extent that the valuation methodology is valid and the smoothing isn't too extreme, by construction your portfolio will always have the same real value and it will last forever.

The two year rate of change is inflation + 8.2%/year. The last year is showing the slowdown, at only inflation + 5.1%.

I added a price column...that is the average real share price in the quarter that the financial statement in question was released.
So, the Q4 line is the value based on the Q4 statements, and the average price in the following Q1 when the Q4 statements came out.

For a SWR strategy based on this, I think it's OK to put a floor on the withdrawn amount. But that's a matter of taste.
(my personal favourite version pays out only 90% of the allowed amount each quarter to give slight long term growth, but also has a floor payment of 1% per quarter)

As an aside, the ratio of current price to smoothed real value has historically been an excellent predictor of expected returns in the subsequent 1-2 years.


          Smoothed   Average
Quarter Value Price
1999-Q3 81601 100682
1999-Q4 85191 87147
2000-Q1 87939 97525
2000-Q2 90443 98955
2000-Q3 92796 108186
2000-Q4 95140 116579
2001-Q1 96338 114044
2001-Q2 97167 114523
2001-Q3 97447 118942
2001-Q4 97662 122604
2002-Q1 98121 122520
2002-Q2 98644 117313
2002-Q3 99022 119230
2002-Q4 99410 109557
2003-Q1 99926 117528
2003-Q2 101388 120347
2003-Q3 102952 129746
2003-Q4 105442 146398
2004-Q1 108027 144736
2004-Q2 110314 137364
2004-Q3 112428 133368
2004-Q4 115187 138623
2005-Q1 117776 130957
2005-Q2 120196 127822
2005-Q3 122447 131697
2005-Q4 124657 133157
2006-Q1 127152 134860
2006-Q2 129419 137399
2006-Q3 132061 153789
2006-Q4 135623 160025
2007-Q1 138857 159320
2007-Q2 142145 162957
2007-Q3 145833 191461
2007-Q4 149048 191915
2008-Q1 151572 179826
2008-Q2 153160 163588
2008-Q3 154625 144302
2008-Q4 154859 119079
2009-Q1 154952 123832
2009-Q2 155411 133221
2009-Q3 157394 138368
2009-Q4 159816 157084
2010-Q1 163090 158341
2010-Q2 165228 163358
2010-Q3 168082 166229
2010-Q4 171700 170358
2011-Q1 175159 159736
2011-Q2 178226 142973
2011-Q3 180557 149664
2011-Q4 183431 156715
2012-Q1 187475 158142
2012-Q2 191133 166207
2012-Q3 195338 171068
2012-Q4 204296 192086
2013-Q1 209208 211738
2013-Q2 214093 221470
2013-Q3 219087 220985
2013-Q4 225486 224102
2014-Q1 231546 240914
2014-Q2 237670 250230
2014-Q3 243922 271341
2014-Q4 250170 278605
2015-Q1 256231 271900
2015-Q2 261954 257597
2015-Q3 267382 252154
2015-Q4 272887 249546
2016-Q1 277920 269427
2016-Q2 282371 272116
2016-Q3 286548 285506
2016-Q4 291448 309748
2017-Q1 296791 305312
2017-Q2 302257 322741
2017-Q3 307700 345699
2017-Q4 315588 372212
2018-Q1 322637 350220
2018-Q2 330239 364539
2018-Q3 339500 370573
2018-Q4 346215 358093
2019-Q1 354269 365709
2019-Q2 362420 359868
2019-Q3 371616 378185
2019-Q4 382735 369114
2020-Q1 390103 315921
2020-Q2 397738 356413
2020-Q3 405940 378937
2020-Q4 417448 417300
2021-Q1 429514 474941
2021-Q2 442016 466739
2021-Q3 453948 467897
2021-Q4 466641 519579
2022-Q1 478135 495027
2022-Q2 485276 435358
2022-Q3 491409 448092
2022-Q4 496685 461813
2023-Q1 502520 483424
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