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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Aussi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Undermining Policy Within. Disobeying Directives
Date: 11/16/2024 4:16 PM
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The hypocrisy of the Tump supporters never ceases to amaze me. On this board there have been many messages about civil servants should be fired for not following policy, military leaders be charged for not following directives. Where is the outcry over Hegseth who directed people under his command to not follow directives.

Oh, I know. It is not applicable in this case!

In a podcast interview released earlier this month, Hegseth described getting a briefing from a military lawyer in 2005 in Baghdad on the rules of engagement. Hegseth said the lawyer told them they could not shoot someone carrying a rocket-propelled grenade unless it was pointed at them.

“I remember walking out of that briefing, pulling my platoon together and being like, ‘Guys we’re not doing that. You know, like if you see an enemy and they, you know, engage before he’s able to point his weapon at you and shoot, we’re going to have your back,’” Hegseth said.

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