No. of Recommendations: 14
Proponents argue that requiring hand counting, in addition to a machine count, could identify discrepancies that must be addressed. And when the counts match year after year, the skepticism will subside and confidence slowly is restored.
Utter nonsense.
First, Georgia already has triple checks and balances to verify that votes are correctly counted.
Second, the person Trump appointed to oversee vote counts stated that the 2020 election was completely fair.
Third, not 1 of the 60+ lawsuits filed found any voter fraud.
Fourth, in the 4 years since the last presidential election, not one example of voter count fraud has been shown to exist.
Fifth, the only people convicted of trying to vote twice in 2020 were Republicans.
Sixth, hand counting millions of ballots has been proven to be the most expensive, most time consuming, and least accurate way to count votes.
Seventh, Fox News paid three-quarters of a billion dollars to stop a lawsuit about them lying non-stop about non-existent voter fraud.
There is absolutely no reason to doubt the accuracy of our elections unless you want to believe a 34 count felon who tells tens of thousands of lies to promote fear and doubt among the cult members.
If you’re truly worried, why haven’t you visited your election board to learn about the various multiple checks and balances built into the system overseen by people from both parties.
The ONLY reason Georgia Republicans decided to “fix” a problem that doesn’t exist was to gum up the election. Even Republicans know they can’t win a free and fair national election. So they try to rig the system. Why so many Republicans have sold out their country to support a sick, evil, and incompetent criminal like Trump is a sad statement about our country.