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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: o/t, debtors and creditors,
Date: 06/29/2024 4:38 PM
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why you do a national sales tax (groceries & sub $100 clothing exempt)…in return for ELIMINATION of the INCOME tax

It took a constitutional amendment to institute the federal income tax. It would require another one to do a federal sales tax. Good luck with that---it will never happen.

That brings us, I think, to $500 Billion to $1 Trillion/year in net new revenues annually. Now you can rationally at least discuss a permanent path to deficits

The problem has never been revenue as long as I have been alive.
The problem has always been that the goverment spends too much. Every time there has been a change that increased revenue, Congress make new spending that is more than the new revenue.

Or just wait til this path of annual multi Trillion deficits just blows up the bond market.

That's a problem that my kids & grandkids will face. I will be dead before it blows up. Which it WILL eventually blow up.

If you haven't noticed, the federal government wants one thing and the US citizens want a different thing. The gov't gets what they want and ignore what we want.
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