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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
Date: 09/12/2024 6:25 PM
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But when push comes to shove, the Dems did not - and don't have - the voters to abolish the filibuster.

Pont of order. They have done so in the past and they will in the future.

Remember this?

Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; eliminate most filibusters on nominees

And then there's this

Nancy Pelosi says in a new interview that her party will take on the Senate’s filibuster rule in some fashion if a Democratic majority returns to the chamber next year.

The California representative and Speaker Emerita spoke to Rolling Stone for a new interview in which she said that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is expected to continue leading the Democratic Senate caucus come 2025, vowed to her that he would get his party’s landmark piece of voting rights legislation — the For The People Act — past the Senate’s 60-vote filibuster threshold if Democrats win a majority in the chamber this November.

“We have to win the Senate. [Schumer] told me that if they win, they will change the Senate in terms of the filibuster, and we would pass [the] For The People Act, which makes all the difference in the world in terms of our democracy,” the former House speaker said.

Rules are things the democrats apply to other people. When they get in the dems' way, the Rules are changed.

Game theory suggests the Repubs play the same way.

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