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The OP was criticizing the fact that the Taliban regained control of the country. That they were re-imposing a feudal society, providing a terror sanctuary, doing more harm to more women, etc. That stuff isn't related to how we left, but the mere fact that we left.
*How* we left feeds directly into that - the collapse of the Afghani government was well under way and the Taliban were in fact driving on Kabul during the evacuation. It was very...South Vietnam-like.
Nobody told Joe Biden to pull everyone out on the anniversary of 9/11. He did that for political optics, and left a whale of a mess behind.
It seems....implausible to suggest that Trump would have chosen to remain in Afghanistan and/or provide the resources to the Afghan government necessary for them to resist the Taliban. While the withdrawal might have been handled differently, it still would have happened. So blaming Biden for the fact that the Taliban is in charge is pretty bogus.
Do we still have troops in Iraq?
What about Syria?
Answers are yes and yes. Why do you think they're there? The world isn't black and white; there was a universe where 1,500-ish troops would have stayed there to train and buttress the ANG. But Biden pulled the plug all the way out because he wanted to be the guy who Brought All the Troops Home. But like all of his other foreign policy decisions, this one was wrong. Disastrously so.