No. of Recommendations: 2
There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE.
Trump is a narcissist who plays the role of someone who believes in God because it allows him to manipulate the gullible.Here's a fair representation of the beliefs and expectations.
-this woke stuff
-to bring this country together to be what it needs to be.
-with Jesus at Trump’s side, America will be safe again
-Illegal immigrants
-we should be protecting babies
- just freedom of speech, protecting things like that
-You’re going to see so much economic prosperity, the cost of energy going down, while American hegemony increases dramatically
-relief for the average young person.
-God gave him a second chance, to be a uniter.
-If we do things correctly and pay our taxes, don’t kick us out.
-I was at the Capitol that day. It was a setup.
- girl was running on the track, and someone who was here illegally literally murdered her...guys that were going into the girls’ bathroom. And they just say that they’re a girl, but they’re clearly a guy.
-I want to go back where it once was.
There are going to be some very disappointed Trumpers...and they'll blame liberals because that's the kayfabe Trump will perpetuate.