A message board, a digital mine, where Shrewds gather, for fortune design.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 5
... the police, firefighters, members of the military and veterans. Trump has already said he will eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits, overtime pay and tip income, and more.
Dementia Don is about a week away from promising every voter a unicorn, a $100,000 gold watch, and a personal visitation from Jesus.
No. of Recommendations: 4
... the police, firefighters, members of the military and veterans. Trump has already said he will eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits, overtime pay and tip income, and more.
Dementia Don is about a week away from promising every voter a unicorn, a $100,000 gold watch, and a personal visitation from Jesus.
Good, Dementia Don has my vote. He is looking out for American taxpayers.
Kamala Harris is giving away taxpayer’s money to illegals and sex changes for criminals.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Kamala Harris is giving away taxpayer’s money to illegals and sex changes for criminals.
and don’t forget the dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio”
No. of Recommendations: 1
I think this might be the first time I have hoped that if a candidate gets elected, they fail to keep their campaign promises. I am also reasonably confident he wont... I suspect at this point it would be mostly four years of treading water, and a few years after that to repair whatever damage was done.
No. of Recommendations: 7
I suspect at this point it would be mostly four years of treading water, and a few years after that to repair whatever damage was done
You underestimate him.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Kamala Harris is giving away taxpayer’s money to illegals and sex changes for criminals.Trump did too:
Trump appointees at the Bureau of Prisons, a division of the Justice Department, provided an array of gender-affirming treatments, including hormone therapy, for a small group of inmates who requested it during Mr. Trump’s four years in office.Trump signed
a $4.6 billion emergency spending bill for the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2019 that included billions of dollars for the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
So, samsies.
Vote for Kamala Harris, not the guy who's too old and too tired to campaign or do interviews (and as Woodward is discussing, is a guy who his own DNI said is being blackmailed by Putin).
No. of Recommendations: 9
alan81: ...I suspect at this point it would be mostly four years of treading water...
What now?
First, the US Supreme Court has ruled that anything he does within his presidential duties is unindictable. Second, presidential pardon power is unassailable. All Dementia Don has to do is assemble teams under his presidential power and pardon any and all activity he directs.
Easy peasy.
No. of Recommendations: 2
It's more important than that. We need a few terms so we can replace some SCOTUS justices who are likely to retire. There needs to be some balance (and sanity) in the Court. If we could just replace two with Sotomayor-like justices, that would do it.
The convict will replace judges/justices with whomever that conservative judicial review think tank says (and then we get people like Judge Cannon, and Kavanaugh).
No. of Recommendations: 1
Let me elaborate a little...
There is not going to be any sort of consensus on how to proceed with any fairly radical changes. To the extent he will dictate solutions, implementation will be hindered as it was in his first go around. He is not a strong leader, nor able to get competent people to follow him. We have all seen the disfunction in the house, and his presidency would just double down on that.
He clearly did significant damage the first go around by creating a supreme court that follows their personal beliefs rather than the constitution, but that is now a done deal. The damage was really done by the senate, with simple "yes" votes by the president. saying "yes" is something he can do... lead, I don't think so.
In summary, anything that is a reasonably good idea will probably get done. It is unlikely that anything "crazy" will get done.
No. of Recommendations: 11
"Kamala Harris is giving away taxpayer’s money to illegals and sex changes for criminals."
Whenever I think someone must be trolling because there is no way for someone to be that uniformed or that dumb, there is always a nutter Trump voter to bring me back to reality.
Do you ever get sick of people taking advantage of your ignorance? When are you ever going to realize that even Donald Trump thinks your and idiot and he is just using you. Donald Trump thinks your son is a sucker because he goes off to get shot at so Trump can make under the table deals with Saudi Princes. Why do you let people take advantage of you?
All it takes is a little bit of education and decent sources of information. That way you wouldn't be taken advantage of nearly as much and people might actually stop laughing at your ignorance.
Please do better. Stop destroying this country with you ignorance.
No. of Recommendations: 15
Kamala Harris is giving away taxpayer’s money to illegals and sex changes for criminals.
More bullshit. That’s all you are capable of. Spreading lies.
No. of Recommendations: 15
In summary, anything that is a reasonably good idea will probably get done. It is unlikely that anything "crazy" will get done.
If American voters are dumb enough to vote for a criminally convicted candidate who would regain already granted sweeping powers of immunity and horrendous protection from evidence about Presidential activities, they are dumb enough to vote for Republican Senators en masse and possibly swing the Senate over as well. This will confirm that a frightening number of voters did not read the America Owners' Manual, especially the chapter on checks and balances between the three branches of government.
If Trump winds up sitting in the White House on January 20, 2025, the damage won't come from legistlative measures. The damage will result based upon:
1) who refuses to work for a Trump Administration to provide sane management of federal agencies
2) who accepts appointments from Trump to run those same agencies and will be approved by a Republican Senate
3) the thousands of others working in local/state government who know nothing about the law and will obey illegal directives from a corrupt President and mimic their own at their level
Trump isn't a criminal mastermind who devises and flawlessly executes diabolical crimes. He is an intellectual / ethical / moral zero who attracts like minds and, through incompetence and inattention, gives them free reign to do pretty much anything. This is like pulling all of the control rods in the reactor at Chernobyl. It creates chaos and impossible to predict disasters on a worldwide scale... Like politicization of public health issues resulting in hundreds of thousands of addition COVID deaths or a war in Ukraine after extorting an ally and signaling an opportunity to Russia by distracting America for two straight years with Impeachment #1 then Impeachment #2.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Do you ever get sick of people taking advantage of your ignorance? When are you ever going to realize that even Donald Trump thinks your and idiot and he is just using you. Donald Trump thinks your son is a sucker because he goes off to get shot at so Trump can make under the table deals with Saudi Princes. Why do you let people take advantage of you?
Oh umm....I am so disappointed with you, I thought I was special with you, after all we go back many, many years.
You reply to me with the same old worn out put downs you say all the time to the other righties here. I think I deserve something new with more feeling !
Please take some time out umm and come up with some new material. I deserve better put downs,
not your same worn out repeats you keep copying and paste.
No. of Recommendations: 2
and don’t forget the dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio”
Hello preacher Bill..
I believe that is actually happening, but of course the left denies it.
Several years or so ago two guys in Manitowoc were arrested for stealing dogs and cats and
selling them to a certain ethnic group who settled in Manitowoc to use for food.
When we were touring in Peru we visited a couple homes who had sprawling pens for guinea pigs in their main living quarters.
Actually they were not pets but a main staple for food kept penned in the home. Guinea pigs are a delicacy in Peru.
Me? I’ll pass..ACK!
No. of Recommendations: 9
Several years or so ago two guys in Manitowoc were arrested for stealing dogs and cats and
selling them to a certain ethnic group who settled in Manitowoc to use for food.
Glad to hear they were arrested. Is there any evidence that this is tbe case in Springfield?
I believe that is actually happening, but of course the left denies it.
Of course you think it’s happening! Color me “surprised”!
And guinea pigs have been a staple food in South America for centuries. Your point?
No. of Recommendations: 5
LurkerMom: Several years or so ago two guys in Manitowoc were arrested for stealing dogs and cats and
selling them to a certain ethnic group who settled in Manitowoc to use for food.
Umm, link?
No. of Recommendations: 2
Umm, link?
Are you trying to take all the fun out of LM's posts?
No. of Recommendations: 1
Of course you think it’s happening! Color me “surprised”!
No, you’re not surprise, just among the left who must deny certain ethnic groups for a fact do
eat dogs and cats.
And guinea pigs have been a staple food in South America for centuries. Your point?
Yep, all the way back to the Incan Empire.
My point is certain ethnic groups eat dog, cat or guinea pig....It’s not unheard of in America or even in Springfield.
No. of Recommendations: 4
One further note….
Bunnies are raised, here in red-blooded America….. for food
No. of Recommendations: 1
Bunnies are raised, here in red-blooded America….. for food
Yep a staple food for early American pioneers and mountain men.
And still a favorite for some. Do you raise Bunnies?
No. of Recommendations: 3
Are you trying to take all the fun out of LM's posts?
HeeHee,,ges is commomone’s lapdog. commomone posts and ges goes yip yip I’ll follow up for you.
No. of Recommendations: 10
I believe that is actually happening,
Then you’ve been fooled by a con man and his sidekick.
How does it feel to be such a rube? Or are you deliberately repeating lies?
No. of Recommendations: 8
My point is certain ethnic groups eat dog, cat or guinea pig
Now, are Haitians one of those ethnic groups?
Hint: no, they are not. They treat dogs and cats much like most Americans. As pets, not food.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Then you’ve been fooled by a con man and his sidekick.
How does it feel to be such a rube? Or are you deliberately repeating lies?
Oh my, I guess all liberals assume certain ideals that suit their misinformation.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Oh my, I guess all liberals assume certain ideals that suit their misinformation.
So you’re not denying that you’re a rube or a liar? All you can do is the MAGA standard of using an accusation as a confession.
Got it.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Now, are Haitians one of those ethnic groups?
Hint: no, they are not. They treat dogs and cats much like most Americans. As pets, not food.Shrug, if you say so.
But an estimated 30 million dogs across Asia, including stolen family pets, are still killed for human consumption every year, according to the Humane Society International.
https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-39577557Springfield, the racial breakdown indicates 74.2% White, 17.9% Black or African American,
0.7% Asian, 0.3% American Indian and 0% Native Hawaiian, with 4% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Hello preacher Bill..
I believe that is actually happening, but of course the left denies it.
Well I searched and there were cases of animal abuse, one old man climbing a tree and yelling dogs and cats were possessed by the devil, but nothing about your story. Please find it.
Stories like Springfield cats and dogs abound in my youth but seemed apocryphal. Some cultures do eat dogs and I have nothing really against it. Just don't steal someone's pets.
In the PI dog is eaten as finger food in bars in some small areas. People also do eat the dog at feasts, and some cook it with blowtorches. An ex-friend of mine showed me pictures of the preparation at one of his feasts.
I really don't care what you "believe" as that is just self serving, show us what you can prove. Can you even prove your Manitowoc statement?
No. of Recommendations: 12
But an estimated 30 million dogs across Asia, including stolen family pets, are still killed for human consumption every year, according to the Humane Society International.
Springfield, the racial breakdown indicates 74.2% White, 17.9% Black or African American, 0.7% Asian, 0.3% American Indian and 0% Native Hawaiian, with 4% of the population identifying as Hispanic or Latino.
https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/ohio/s...You don't get to make broad sweeping generalizations about Asians, and apply them to the minority Asians there in Springfield, Ohio. Nor, as far as I know, are Haitians considered Asians. You have lost this argument based on you suspect "I believe".
No. of Recommendations: 1
In the PI dog is eaten as finger food in bars in some small areas. People also do eat the dog at feasts, and some cook it with blowtorches. An ex-friend of mine showed me pictures of the preparation at one of his feasts.
Thank you for confirming eating dog meat is natural with some groups, most likely in the US too.
I really don't care what you "believe" as that is just self serving, show us what you can prove. Can you even prove your Manitowoc statement?
There is no reason to fib about it, especially if it is common practice among certain ethnic groups. As I said it happened some time ago and if you are in dire need for a link, go at it.
No. of Recommendations: 16
0.7% Asian,
Do you know where Haiti is?
Another hint: It’s not in Asia.
Once again, you are demonstrating that you are either ignorant or deliberately lying.
The fact that some people in some parts of the world do eat cats or dogs does not mean that Haitians in Springfield Ohio are doing so.
The bottom line is that this is nothing more than a damned lie that has interrupted the lives of the entire Springfield community - immigrant and citizen alike. And you are trying to defend or rationalize that lie. Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you are capable of shame.
No. of Recommendations: 2
You don't get to make broad sweeping generalizations about Asians, and apply them to the minority Asians there in Springfield, Ohio. Nor, as far as I know, are Haitians considered Asians. You have lost this argument based on you suspect "I believe".
My goodness, you are upset. Sorry, another poster brought up Haitians, don’t know why,
I merely pointed out there is an Asian population in Springfield and some aspects of the Asian culture.
Perhaps you are upset President Trump is correct with what he said.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Thank you for confirming eating dog meat is natural with some groups, most likely in the US too.
No. Do you know that still today dog sausage is made in Switzerland? Are you going to generalize from that that all Swiss eat dogs and any Swiss immigrant eats dog, so beware? The Germans ate dog into the 1940s IIRC. We had a ton of German immigrants in the past. We ate dog here in the US when meat was short, but we ate horses first. So you could fabricate current lies on that. But we don't eat dog now, and neither do American Asians, or the Haitians.
There is no reason to fib about it, especially if it is common practice among certain ethnic groups. As I said it happened some time ago and if you are in dire need for a link, go at it.
Let me generalize then. Eating dog is a current taboo. It is probable one of your ancestors ate some dog. No reason to fib about it.
No. of Recommendations: 1
The fact that some people in some parts of the world do eat cats or dogs does not mean that Haitians in Springfield Ohio are doing so.
The bottom line is that this is nothing more than a damned lie that has interrupted the lives of the entire Springfield community - immigrant and citizen alike. And you are trying to defend or rationalize that lie. Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you are capable of shame.
The bottom line is you do not know for a fact dog meat is not consumed in Springfield.
The fact of the matter is President Trump said it and it is upsetting the liberal left.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Let me generalize then. Eating dog is a current taboo. It is probable one of your ancestors ate some dog. No reason to fib about it.
Crime is a taboo too, but it still happens.
And yes, it happened, as for example..
“Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen's party famously planned to eat their sled dogs, as well as to feed weaker dogs to other dogs, during their expedition to the South Pole. This allowed the party to carry less food, thus lightening the load, and ultimately helped Amundsen to win his race to the South Pole against Robert Scott's expedition, which used ponies.[70] When comparing sled dogs to ponies as draught animals, Amundsen noted:”
As I indicated the left is upset because President Trump said it as a matter of fact.
No. of Recommendations: 3
The fact of the matter is President Trump said it and it is upsetting the liberal left.
Actually, it was residents of Springfield, OH saying it and reporting it to Vance…their sitting Senator.
The post you’re replying to reeks of fake piety. You can just see him crying and tearing his clothing at the “ “injustice” “ of it all. What he’s really made is that the story got out at all, as it highlighted the democrats’ weaknesses. The rest is just for show.
No. of Recommendations: 1
And still a favorite for some. Do you raise Bunnies?
Hunted them back in the day, but never raised them.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Actually, it was residents of Springfield, OH saying it and reporting it to Vance…their sitting Senator.
It’s fact if the citizens of Springfield are telling JD what is happening in their town.
The post you’re replying to reeks of fake piety. You can just see him crying and tearing his clothing at the “ “injustice” “ of it all. What he’s really made is that the story got out at all, as it highlighted the democrats’ weaknesses. The rest is just for show.
When a left leaning poster goes gutter crawling and hurls his/her insults, it doesn’t matter to me. It’s my ‘gotcha moment’, lol. I’ve heard it all at the PA and learned to just go on my merry way leaving them wollowing in their misery.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Hunted them back in the day, but never raised them.
I remember eating bunny once many years ago when in the dead of winter in Illinois visiting my Uncle’s farm.
Uncle and my brother went hunting and brought back a couple bunnies. My aunt cooked them up,
don’t remember how, vaguely remember eating it, but brings back a pleasant memory of time past.
No. of Recommendations: 11
Actually, it was residents of Springfield, OH saying it and reporting it to Vance…their sitting Senator.No. This has already been debunked by the person who started it all. It's all over media from all parts of the planet. It's somewhat comical that this has continued.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-just-explode...The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.
Reading more articles, the more complete story is she posted something she heard from an acquaintance of a friend whose cat had gone missing (and later turned up alive). Here's more on the effects in Springfield
https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1l4g6g5d97oIndependent, right-wing and pro-Trump news sources searched for evidence, in some cases offering rewards for proof of cat abduction. So far no evidence of pet eating has come to light.I really don't get how someone (not just you) could read an outrageous story and then take it at face value. Just a bit of digging, and the truth comes out. Instead, people perpetuate the lie, and other people get threatened and/or are in fear for their lives. Over a lie.
In the debate, Harris laughed out loud when the convict made that claim. I sorta laughed when I saw the clip, but more of a sardonic laugh that this moron would make such a claim in public, and his followers would be gullible enough to believe it. (But I checked the claim anyway.)
No. of Recommendations: 3
Residents of Springfield reported it. The original person may say something now, but that doesn't change how all this got started.
I really don't get how someone (not just you) could read an outrageous story and then take it at face value. Just a bit of digging, and the truth comes out. Instead, people perpetuate the lie, and other people get threatened and/or are in fear for their lives. Over a lie.
You're forgetting a few things.
The major issue isn't the eating cats and dogs, it's the fact that a relatively small town like Springfield has been INNUNDATED with migrants with very little resources evidently expended to help that out.
Why was that done in the first place?
What was brilliant about the entire thing was how the democrats fell for the misdirection: Every democrat "fact checking" outfit went nuts trying to debunk the cats and dogs thing (and they still can't deny the other video)...while missing the fact that while they were so busy trying to dunk on Trump the entire issue stayed in the headlines.
Just awesome.
The left got played, and it was beautiful to see.
No. of Recommendations: 9
Actually, it was residents of Springfield, OH saying it and reporting it to Vance…their sitting Senator.
You are utterly clueless, or just prefer not to know the truth. Maybe you shouldn't vote.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Instead, people perpetuate the lie, and other people get threatened and/or are in fear for their lives. Over a lie.
And then some nobodies on the internet continue to repeat the lie with no shame, no human compassion for the hardships the lies cause, and even pride at the pain caused to others.
It’s both maddening and a sad commentary on the state of humanity.