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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Harris Wins
Date: 09/11/2024 5:48 PM
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But Harris had a run with no new global epidemics, and Trump can't say the same thing either.

And...? The Biden/Harris record for Covid isn't great either, with more deaths during their time than Trump's, despite having been handed several vaccines.

Whether one has a run of relatively peaceful years is largely due to factors other than the actions of the President.

Not necessarily.

You keep saying that, but Harris had to do a lot of work to keep the coalition together and manage the transition away from Biden's people into Chavez Rodriguez' team (no, David Plouffe is not running her campaign). And manage all of the many stakeholders - and manage ObamaWorld as well, to make sure they backed her and not any of the other alternatives.

Not really. As I've said to you again and again, the people who really run the democrat party would step in and...run the democrat party's campaign. They have, and are, now. That's the ObamaWorld. All Harris had to do was just say 'yes' and sign on some dotted lines, which she did. That's a very low bar.

She's done a stellar job Nah, not so much.

How many interviews has she given, again?

Oh, BTW, she's not running where Biden was. Before the debate, Biden was consistently trailing Trump; since the convention, Harris has been consistently leading him. In a deeply polarized country and running from the same Administration, that's a pretty impressive job as candidate to pull of starting from a dead standstill.

She didn't start from a standstill. She's the sitting Vice President, and as such was already on the ticket.


Polling averages have been all over the place going all the way back to before the June 28th debate.

They're right next to the details of Donald Trump's health care plan. :)

He's already been President. I know what his plan is:

...for starters.

Harris handled all of that masterfully.

Harris stood there and reeled off talking points and needled Trump. Despite ChatNPC's insistence, she got a ton of help from the moderators who never "Fact checked" her in real time nor asked her any difficult questions.

She did well last night in that expectations for her were nearly zero, which tells you what the public thinks about her already. She did well to needle Trump, make him angry, and then stand there and let the moderators handle the rest.

But what new insights did anyone gain from what she wants to do as President? Why does she - the incumbent on the stage - try to pretend she's fresh and new when she's been the one co-running the country for the last 4 years?

She talked about connecting with people...but did everything possible to drive up inflation during her term.

Trump lost the debate last night, but Harris didn't win it. ABC did.

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