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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: For God's sake
Date: 12/13/2024 5:38 PM
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Just shoot one down and showcase it in Kirby's next press conference. We don't know, but we are sure its safe is an insult to our citizenry and what makes it worse our government even offers this lame excuse further showcasing their contempt for the governed. And they speculate why faith in government is lost.

PS you don't need to shoot one down with explosives, even though that should not be problem over the ocean or over other remote areas or over one of the vast military bases the UFO's are flying over night after night. Just send up a few military helicopters to fly above and around one, allowing the rotor wash to tumble the drone around and pushing it to the ground. I also would expect the military has technology to deploy cables or other debris designed to entangle to drones rotors.

The authorities can't even decide who has authority to take action. If it was a cruise missile instead of a drone, I would like to think the military would be pee-authorized to take it down.
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