No. of Recommendations: 1
Like you I don't have the flexibility I used to, but I've recently set a goal to be able to do front splits again. I've never heard of anyone who could do front splits ever having back pain, so I figured that was a good thing to shoot for...
Good goal!
I’ve taken a break from the gymn- may only go back to pick up those things I cant do at home.
My wife tore a meniscus about six months ago. We used to go to the gymn together, but now that she’s been hobbling around, that’s been on hold. It took the ortho guy 4 months of jacking around to diagnose it. Don’t ask me why- my wife is pissed, but she’s finally scheduled for arthroscopic repair on the 11th, so we should be back at the gymn fairly soon. In the meantime, it’s walking, some cycling, stretches, floor/body weight exercises and some kettlebells.
I was never, repeat NEVER able to do full splits of any kind, so good on you.