A message board, a digital mine, where Shrewds gather, for fortune design.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 2
My Goodness.
They were able to reject Democracy, remove a President who was actually voted in by people. Install a candidate that never won a primary.
And they have in their arsenal Obama, Clinton, Goldman Sachs, Cheney, NeoCons, Goldman Sachs and they are days away from beating this yum-yum armed with a twitter account - if he still has it. I've not watched closed enough to know.
But, shouldn't they be relieved and happy that their great triumph is near?
And the next morning democracy will be fixed, they can pass their anti immigrant bill, and go back to killing Russians and Ukrainians and drilling and fracking for fossil fuels?
C'mon Liberals, you should be giddy! Why the meltdown? I'll check but I dont know if Sheeple Treats are available at PetSmart. Maybe I'll buy them from Amazon and have them delivered to all of you.
No. of Recommendations: 4
They were able to reject Democracy, remove a President who was actually voted in by people. Install a candidate that never won a primary.
And they have in their arsenal Obama, Clinton, Goldman Sachs, Cheney, NeoCons, Goldman Sachs and they are days away from beating this yum-yum armed with a twitter account - if he still has it. I've not watched closed enough to know.
But, shouldn't they be relieved and happy that their great triumph is near?
Not only this, but they have a great Team-up going where Big Tech is working with the DOJ and other Feds to censor their political opponents. And the DOJ itself is launching investigations into the democrats' political foes.
Seems like we *do* have some fascist tendencies around here...but it ain't coming from Trump.
They're unhappy because they're fundamentally unhappy people who require daily affirmation that they're Good and Honest And Just Wonderful Citizens Who Care So Much. (Never mind that actually doing good, helping people and being right isn't a part of that equation). It's why you see so many liberals loudly broadcast their political affiliations and loudly proclaim support for X or Y. To them the mere act of just shouting something to earn that Participation Trophy is the dopamine hit they need.
For a few of them, that's not enough. They need everyone else to echo the same stuff they say to one another and when their ""ideas"" meet resistance...well, persuasion is not something their minds are capable of.
So they lash out. You read it every single day here - they have us outnumbered like 10 to 1 and still can't convince anyone of anything. Statistics demands that at least one of them would be able to come up with some kind of way to support what they think but...alas.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Their rhetoric and actions are having awesome effects.
Here's one:
https://x.com/Audreyjmcneal/status/185002447137508...This is one of the youngest delegates to the dnc saying...she's out. She's voting for Trump.
Her money quote? "The liberties of a people never were and nor will ever be secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them". (She quoted Patrick Henry)
So let's see...Gen Z is skewing more towards the trades, more towards hard, tangible work, and is looking deeply into what freedoms mean and what it takes to keep them.
I like it! Country's in good hands once all the old 1970's libs move into the rest home.
No. of Recommendations: 5
They were able to reject Democracy, remove a President who was actually voted in by people. Install a candidate that never won a primary.
O wise one, please forgive this lowly Sheeple for bringing this up, but it is a small detail that is far beneath your high stature to notice.
We have this silly little scrap of paper we call The Constitution. In this foolish writing, we only specified how our President (another lowly Sheeple beneath your need to notice, but one we Sheeple consider to be important) is to be elected. In our stupidity, we failed to spell out how the candidates for this election are to be chosen.
Over the time we have been using this silly scrap of paper to govern ourselves in an attempt to keep out of your way, we Sheeple have tried different ways of choosing the candidates we will choose from in our election. Recently, we have been using a second election to decide who will be in the final election. But we have used other ways, including dividing ourselves into tribes, then let each tribe have a big meeting where they pick the person who will be their candidate in the election without putting it to a vote.
I realize all of this detail is far beneath you. I write this only to help keep you from looking like an ignorant ass in front of the other “high and mighty” that you rightfully spend your days hanging out with. I don’t want you to suffer the indignity that your peers might heap upon you should they discover you were unaware of this trifling detail.
Your Humble Sheeple whose name is irrelevant to you.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Hee hee.
You're catching on :)
Imagine - a week from now or so, your best case is a 2% win, a huge MAGA plurality, and MAGA not going away all around the world and the price you had to pay for that 'grand victory'? Selling out to Big Oil and Cheney and Wall Street. You had to come out of the closet as a Republican Corporatist :)
Funny- even if you win, yes, you lose.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Selling out to Big Oil and Cheney and Wall Street.
O exalted one, I again find myself needing to mention trivialities so that when you are in the Exalted Ones Council, you will be properly prepared to avoid mistakes and thereby avoid the ridicule of other Council members.
The current thing here between Sheeple Harris and Sheeple Cheney (both of them) is what we call a "marriage of convenience". I'm sure you are familiar with this concept as this is what your Disciple Trump has engaged in on several occasions. A marriage of convenience is when you join with a partner, not because you actually like the partner and want to be with them, but because you and the partner happen to have the same goal in mind. Working together toward the goal (while each partner privately holds their nose when discussing the other) is the quickest way for each to accomplish their goal.
I'm sure this is a bit of an unfamiliar concept to one as exalted as you, who need not work with anyone else to accomplish a goal. It is a failing of us Sheeple that we are not wise enough to do all things on our own.
In this particular instance - and I hate to bring it up because it involves your Disciple Trump - Sheeples Harris and Cheney both desire to keep your Disciple Trump out of power. (Please don't hold it against this humble messenger for delivering this terrible news. He only wishes to make sure you are properly informed whenever you must meet with your fellow Exalted Ones in Council.) Because of this goal that both have in common, they have chosen to join forces for this singular venture. Neither are likely to work with the other toward any other goal, as they have no other goals in common. To compare it to the investing world where your vast knowledge is usually put to use, it is like a Special Purpose Entity - a joint venture to accomplish one singular goal that the joint venturers have in common.
May your humble servant be forgiven for being so bold as to address you twice in a single orbit of the sun around the earth.
No. of Recommendations: 0
address you twice in a single orbit of the sun around the earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus spins in his grave.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Nicolaus Copernicus spins in his grave.
Ya gotta deal with folks where they are, not where ya want them to be. The guy is back in the Greek God era, so that's where I go. Maybe in a few years we can get him to understand the earth isn't flat. Then we can move on to evicting Ptolemy. Baby steps.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Cheney isn't Sheeple.
Cheney got you people into wars.
Cheney profited from it "big time"
And now Cheney found a vehicle to help the next war of choice also.
Harris isn't a Sheeple 0- she's a cat slash cougar who is doing what she's told her whole career -- - to get to the next office and that - is smart. It's not Sheeple.
Sheeple is here.
PS: Here's to Harris: Drill Baby Drill, Frack baby Frack - Dick, Sarah, George W. Donald and I agree ---you may continue Scout.