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Author: dealraker 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 472 
Subject: Oaktree
Date: 07/06/2024 3:04 PM
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One of the things I'd like to see those posting here clarify is their view on which entity owns Oaktree...and...who gets what economic benefit from Oaktree's performance. I know the answer to both above but reading the various web postings about this subject I see some very-very interesting views, views that those writing them are absolutely certain about (that are not correct). Not being a smart butt, just interested in something that should be clarified.

I've seen a number of people who follow Brookfield, particularly those that know and recite every single word verbatim that management pens or states ...people that fully believe all these management presentations...who are conceptually incorrect on some of the basic workings of this "easy to understand" (the words of those that are not correct in my view) slew of entities.
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 472 
Subject: Re: Oaktree
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01 PM
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i'll bite.

Oaktree ~68% → BAM ~75% → BN
numbers changed since inception, but well in ballpark.

confusion commonly due to recycling 'BAM' ticker, plus all things are labeled brookfield..., plus normal interweb typo rates.

asymmetric economic benefits go to oaktree founders! all others get in line, nothing new there in the entire history of alts, public or not.
expecting something more sinister?
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Author: Baybrooke 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 472 
Subject: Re: Oaktree
Date: 07/07/2024 12:59 AM
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Oaktree ~68% → BAM ~75% → BN

73% is the correct number. BAM increased ownership in Oaktree recently by 5% as noted in the 1Q quarterly report.

Also, the AEL acquisition by BNRE which completed in May was going to reduce BN's ownership in BAM to approximately 73%. The upcoming 2Q quarterly report may give us an update on this.


On April 8, 2024, the Company acquired an additional 4.5% interest in Oaktree. The Asset Management company paid cash consideration of $331 million, of which $57 million was provided by the Corporation for its interest in preferred shares redeemable non-controlling interest. The net purchase price to the Company was $274 million. This increased the Company's ownership interest from approximately 68% to approximately 73%.


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