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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Dope1 c'mon stop it
Date: 10/31/2024 1:20 PM
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I'm not plugged in like before so I don't feel confident in my knowledge on polls - the polling companies - who is using what method. I used to be full geek and I remember calling W/Kerry's electors and popular vote 8 months before that election. I used to love the game that much.

What experience I have as an armchair political wannabe: It "feels" like it's going to Trump. While Club 401K and the investor class see an feel the good economy, they are so woefully out of touch with a majority of the country who - right or wrong - feels that things SUCK. Perception is reality. So on that - inflation and immigration I 'feel' it's going Trump. Some of the polls are showing that.

Agree that Trump has the momentum; I figured once people started listening to Harris actually speak they'd remember why her first Presidential campaign was effectively stillborn: she's really bad at this. They tried the Biden Basement Strategy on her but played that out so long that even left wing media started calling her out for hiding...and then when they let her talk to even friendly outlets...she bombed. 60 Minutes still won't release the transcript of her interview them, to highlight one example.

I don't know what to think on the polls. You'd assume that after getting Trump's support so wrong in 2016 and again in 2020 they'd have fixed it by now and thus the race would appear to be razor tight. As it stands now if Trump gets PA, NC and GA it's over - that's 270 right there. I don't know. Conventional wisdom suggests that undecideds break toward the incumbent, and that's Harris.


Don't know about your state, but every 5 minutes - I'm not kidding - there is an abortion ad here in Washington. They're really leaning in on it to a degree I've never seen. Now, never mind that it's a state issue now and that democrats hold near supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature, they're claiming that Trump and a Republican governor would ban abortions.

The sad thing is, women are buying it.

I am scared of ObamaCare getting screwed with and I really prefer Social Security not be cut. I planned - I think on 20% CUT as part of my financial plan but man - if it is cut less or not at all? I'd just love that. Medicare? I want it well funded. I want to have good doctor and hospital choices down the road. School funding. Special end funding - important to me.

The GOP isn't going to touch either program for one simple reason: their voters skew either very young or very old and they're not going to touch things that might hurt the very old. So no cuts. Won't stop the little d's from claiming they will, though.

All I know is that IF despite this Trump wins - the Left needs to go Bill Maher ---and Bill Clinton - like, now. As in now. Or we're going to be run by the likes of Boebery and Greene - ignorant people for a decade to come.

Kemp, Sununu, Shapiro, Beshear - there's people out there for later when this smoke clears.

If the dems didn't have such an obvious problem with da Joos they'd have Shapiro on the ballot and would have this locked up already. Shapiro would have locked up Pennsylvania early, delivered Wisconsin and Nevada, and made Arizona really close. Then it wouldn't matter if she lost all of Michigan, Georgia and North Carolina because she'd have been at 272 with just PA, NV and AZ.

But, nope...then went with Tampon Tim.

I do think for the first time in 20 years the democrats are starting to generate a bench of candidates again IF they're smart enough to start rejecting a lot of what the Coastal Elite says and does.
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