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Author: hclasvegas   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: waiting for the ABC response?
Date: 09/15/2024 7:52 PM
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We shall see as we wait for the denial and the lawsuits? ""
Bill Ackman
If indeed this turns out to be true, which is looking increasingly likely, consider the character of the presidential candidate that would cheat in a debate, allowing her staff to negotiate the questions in advance, the camera angles, the required fact checking of her opponent, and the lack of fact checking of her own answers.
Also, consider what journalists — in this case David Muir and Linsey Davis — and the network that would agree to these conditions.
I thought it was bad when
would only agree to a debate on a favored network with a friendly moderator.
If this is false, where are Muir and Davis’s public ‘over my dead body’ denials. And what does
have to say?
For the sake of journalism, I hope this is a fiction. Sadly for the state of truth in media, I expect the whistleblower’s allegations will be deemed to be true.
Bill Ackman
This looks credible. x.com/docnetyoutube/…
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