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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Kris Krisofferson RIP
Date: 09/30/2024 2:25 PM
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Same. Fingerstyle and flat pick.

When I mentioned seeing a guy playing electric and pedal steel at Ernie Ball's my Mom bought me a classical guitar; wanted me to be Segovia. I took lessons at EBs for a while, but it was players like the Ventures Don Wilson and Bob Bogle and Dick Dale and Paul Johnson (Mr.Moto) and Bob Spickard (Pipeline)that had my attention.

Eventually I got a dreadnoughts and a big Silvertone electric hollowbody, then a Tele and a Les... now it's time to start unloading them as my hands get less happy. I still have that classical guitar... rotted tuner keys, original cardboard case....and my grandfather-in-laws 1933 Martin C-1 archtop that his wife bought from sears roebuck for $37.00 that he played at pentacostal goin' to church meetings.

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