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Author: platykurtic   😊 😞
Number: of 3351 
Subject: Re: Retrieving Historical price Data
Date: 03/16/2025 4:25 PM
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Another option for certain data - one that I use & so may be of interest to others - is Financials-Extension:


Some provisos ...

1) It's for LibreOffice - which I use as a free, easy to access & continually updated alternative to old-school Excel.

2) It works by scraping Yahoo! & the FT and so can be (a little) slow. I typically use Yahoo! with the FT as a fall-back during the usual periods of Yahoo! shenanigans (I handle this in the various formulas I use to access the data) & so IMO it works pretty reliably (due to the fallback). It also has Coinbase data if that's of interest. If I was to use it a lot I'd create a cron (or similar say Power Automate for Windows) job to pull the data I needed automatically overnight in conjunction with 3) below.

3)It's open-source & Python so could be deconstructed to offer the data in another format - databases etc. - if that's what you prefer. I haven't taken a close look but there's (likely) a subroutine or library to manage the Yahoo! / FT / Coinbase scraping that could be wrapped in your own output code. That way you could update the Financials-Extension core in-line with the Github update for ease-of-use (when Yahoo! makes a change).

Just a suggestion. Might be worth a quick look given it's Python.
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