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Author: Velcher   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Somebody is wantin' them some A shares today
Date: 06/15/2023 2:32 PM
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Sorry for the subject heading; the wife and I have been bingeing Yellowstone on Peacock.
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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 BRONZE
  😊 😞

Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Somebody is wantin' them some A shares today
Date: 06/17/2023 4:16 PM
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Though I don't get the TV allusion, being a furriner, the volume comment seems valid.
A-share volume has been steadily climbing on trend.
Though it's worth checking a better data source, on Yahoo data the typical daily volume is up by a factor of 3.4 in the last year.

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Author: nola622 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Somebody is wantin' them some A shares today
Date: 06/17/2023 5:14 PM
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You smart folks probably realize this already, but the reported trading volume for A-shares is not even close to reality. Every trade of a fractional share is counted as 1 share in the reported volume. A-shares are not nearly as liquid as the volume numbers would indicate and Warren knows this, since he is in the market buying A-shares based on a % of ADV most days.

We have witnessed the rise of fractional share trading and the associated distortion of the data. Occasionally there is some impact from a real, non-Berkshire buyer of A-shares in size - like the Japanese buying of A-shares that coincided with/followed Warren and Greg's visit. Most of the volume we see cross the tape is fake fractional volume.
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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 BRONZE
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Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Somebody is wantin' them some A shares today
Date: 06/17/2023 5:32 PM
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You smart folks probably realize this already, but the reported trading volume for A-shares is not even close to reality. ...

Maybe the smart folks knew this, but I didn't.
I knew the figures were not reliable, but I thought it was related to after-market reporting of crossed shares and weird stuff like that, which would be a much smaller issue.

If it's fractional shares, the trend is just measuring the relative popularity of fractional share trading.

But the odd thing is how volume in fractional shares is [supposed to be] reported.
From the FINRA web site:
Q101.14: How should a trade for a fractional number of shares, for example, 100.5 shares, be reported?
A101.14: When reporting a trade for a fractional number of shares, firms should delete the fraction and report the whole number, except if the whole number would be 0 (zero). If the whole number would be 0, firms should round up to 1. Thus, for example, for a trade of 100.5 shares, the reported quantity would be 100. Trade reports with a share quantity containing a decimal or a fraction will be rejected. (See also, e.g., OATS FAQ T69.)
Q101.15: Must trades for less than one share be reported?
A101.15: Yes. As noted in FAQ 101.14, where a trade is executed for less than one share, e.g., 1/3 share, firms should round up and report a share quantity of 1.


So...any fractional-share trade for 0 < N < 1 of the A shares gets reported as 1 full A share of volume !?
Note that this is at the individual trade level, not the total by broker.
If that were to be applicable, the reported A volume could be expected to explode if fractional share trading becomes even very modestly popular.

For a sense of scale, the current reported daily total volume would equate to a typical dollar volume of around $3.4bn lately.
Definitely dubious.
cf. the implied ~$600m in 2021 or ~$100m in 2018.


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