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Author: vez   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Back to focusing on central issues
Date: 10/08/2024 11:26 AM
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Enough, enough, enough!!! already.

Far, far too many FAKE NEWS threads!!!

Hurricane Milton (and its great-great-grandpa Berle) is just
another left-wing wackjob invention designed to divert our
attention from the "greater truth". All of us know that there
is no such thing as global warming, and all of these supposed
"news" stories are FAKE FAKE-O FAKE-ISIMO.

Florida is fine. Georgia is fine. North Carolina is more than
fine. Better than it has ever been.

And stop picking on poor little Elon and his Cybersomethingtruck,
or whatever he calls it these days. Good thing that he didn't name
it after one of his kids, e.g., "@^*+TRUCK". Who wouldn't be honored to
be crushed to death by one of these behemoths? Surely better than
being sat upon by a hippopotamus.

Instead of being diverted from the real issues of the day, let's get
down to the one burning issue that we are really concerned about:

Who will be the author of post number 10,000 on this board?

Have a great day. And make sure to water your lawns, wherever you

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