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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: knighttof3   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: What sticks in my gullet
Date: 08/06/2024 12:01 AM
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I see. So you intend not to take your Social Security and Medicare benefits, correct? And you want to freeload off national defense that the rest of us should pay for, right?

No taxes is clearly untenable. I am dumb but not that dumb.

Some Republicans are at least talking about lowering my taxes. No Democrat is, because they love stiffing the working man, poor middle-class rich, doesn't matter; and give the money to those who don't work. Otherwise they would not float harebrained ideas like UBI.

Let's talk about SS and Medicare too. Mathematically, it was clear that the tax base was going to grow slower than the benefits that will be paid out, because Americans were not having four and five kids that could sustain COLA and medical care expense increases. Life expectancy was not going to go down. This should have been clear even in the 30s and 60s. And now these programs are beasts burdening me and my children.
But of course, free bread for Romans trumped common sense even in that ancient Republic. Nothing is free.
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