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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝🐝🐝 BRONZE
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Number: of 12537 
Subject: Re: OT: Dunning-Kruger effect
Date: 03/16/2025 12:38 PM
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- how long can such dysfunctional systems be maintained? (probably for a very long time)

I think that life is so interesting in part because this varies so much depending on the subject area in question.

Some incompetents have their reputations last throughout their careers of applying it, and some time beyond, before people figure out that they weren't actually good. The Jack Welch effect?
In your example of aircraft engineering, I suspect the faking-it window is pretty short. Ironically, that's one of the many businesses that GE was in, but the people in that division were pretty good.

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