Invest your own money, let compound interest be your leverage, and avoid debt like the plague.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
No. of Recommendations: 1 consortium of firms led by BlackRock is buying two key ports in the Panama Canal from a Hong Kong-based firm as part of a $23 billion deal after President Donald Trump expressed concern that the strategic waterway was falling under Chinese influence.
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager with a portfolio of investments valued at $11.5 trillion, has agreed to purchase majority stakes in ports on both sides of the Panama Canal from Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison in a multipart transaction worth $22.8 billion, the companies announced on Tuesday.
No. of Recommendations: 0
When the shit hits the fan I wonder if Blackrock would be on America's side or China's......
No. of Recommendations: 2
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager with a portfolio of investments valued at $11.5 trillion, has agreed to purchase majority stakes in ports on both sides of the Panama Canal from Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison in a multipart transaction worth $22.8 billion, the companies announced on Tuesday.
I sure don't like that word "majority". It seems quite risky to have even a few Chicoms with hands on involvement in canal operations. Their mere presence allows China to keep track of US Navy movements through the canal. In addition to espionage, having insiders facilitates acts of sabotage during wartime too.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I sure don't like that word "majority". It seems quite risky to have even a few Chicoms with hands on involvement in canal operations. Their mere presence allows China to keep track of US Navy movements through the canal. In addition to espionage, having insiders facilitates acts of sabotage during wartime too.
At least this way you have an excuse to have people running around the port ID'ing who might be reporting back to Beijing. And BlackRock can make decisions absent 100% influence from the CCP.
Either way, it's a very positive development.
No. of Recommendations: 2
When the shit hits the fan I wonder if Blackrock would be on America's side or China's......
Heh. Baby steps, my man.
Nobody who does business anywhere near Hong Kong should have any illusions as to who and what the ChiComs are.