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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41621 
Subject: 75,000 Gather for Harris Speech in DC
Date: 10/29/2024 8:43 PM
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Preliminary reports are that about 75,000 supporters have assembled to listen to vice president Kamala Harris make her closing arguments at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. this evening.

Harris' speech, in front of a massive crowd at the Ellipse near the White House, was meant to draw a contrast between her vision for the country and Trump's as she seeks to win over undecided voters a week before Election Day.

She called her Republican rival "unstable," "obsessed with revenge," "consumed with grievance" and "out for unchecked power." She said Trump would return to the White House "with an enemies list," while she would "walk in with a to-do list."

"Donald Trump has spent a decade trying to keep the American people divided and afraid of each other. That's who he is," she said. "But America, I am here tonight to say: that's not who we are."


Trump Thee Fascist is going to be big mad if that crowd size number is accurate and confirmed.

At his rally tonight, Trump Thee Fascist was complaining about Michelle Obama being mean to him and promising to get his revenge.

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