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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 63 
Subject: Re: Model 2
Date: 10/19/2024 5:07 PM
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Instead, we get shown the 2-seat Cybercab. Why only two seats?

The term Robotaxi applies to all autonomous taxis. Cybercab is one version of that group. Since 90% of the rides are one or two people, and Tesla has a wide range of other vehicles that will also be used as Robotaxis, they went with the lowest cost option to serve the bulk of the market. Thirty cents per mile (cost to Tesla) allows Tesla to undercut anything with four wheels. Transportation is a commodity, but with the best network and lowest cost I don't see anyone else being able to compete.

I was lucky enough to attend the event. Drove my Cybertruck 18 hours to get there. (15 driving and 3 charging.) The return trip I did straight thru. Never could have done that in any other vehicle. The CT is so quiet, smooth and relaxing to operate I just kept going instead of spending an extra night on the road. You have to keep looking at the road but your mind can be far far away. It reminded me of flying a DC-10. If you think you don't want FSD ... think again. Ask any airline pilot how they feel when they find out the autopilot on their plane is inop - that's how you'll feel without FSD.

What we got to see was a glimpse of the future. The CyberCab will be the most profitable product ever made. Millions of them made every year. Don't count the Semi out either. The cost savings from removing the diesel engine and driver from semis will be massive.

Only negative of the trip ... California is disgusting. Drug addicts sleeping on the sidewalks. I only left the hotel to attend the event. Need to be more careful (if I ever go back) where the nicer places are to stay.

Bought more shares on the dip.
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