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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42005 
Subject: Trump's Closing Pitches
Date: 11/01/2024 8:51 PM
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Over the past few days, DonOLD Trump and the Trump campaign's top surrogates have...

-- Promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would take away health care from millions of Americans and allow insurers to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions for those folks.

-- Promised to raise taxes on imported goods from China by 20% and by up to “one thousand percent,” which would significantly raise prices and skyrocket inflation.

-- Just today, Speaker Johnson said the GOP plans to repeal the CHIPS Act, which would cost thousands of American manufacturing jobs, many in red states.

-- Elon Musk told voters that Trump’s economic plans will cause “hardship” for the middle class, saying it’s “necessary” to suffer pain now to reach its goals sometime down the road.

Trump has also said, "I'm not a Nazi," and "I'm not Hitler" because people think he's a Nazi and he sounds like Hitler. He's dressed up like a garbageman (although the guy who collects my garbage doesn't wear white dress shirts with French cuffs and cuff links), stumbled into the garbage truck, and has spent his dwindling time calling the vice president a "sleaze bag," "lazy," and "dumb as a rock."

In fairness, maybe I'm just not seeing the 4D chess here.
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