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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Hurricane Milton, Paradise Lost
Date: 10/08/2024 4:00 PM
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bighairymike: Treat these flood victims as if they were migrants, and by that the migrants were not on their own to find a place to live and then file for government assistance to pay for it.

As every republican governor and many republican state politicians have said, the federal government response to Hurricane Helene has been excellent. President Biden approved disaster relief before Hurricane Helene made landfall.

Nearly 7,000 personnel from across the federal workforce are on site, including FEMA staff. To date, FEMA has shipped over 15.6 million meals, more than 13.9 million liters of water, 157 generators and more than 505,000 tarps to the region.

In North Carolina, FEMA has approved more than $32 million in housing and other types of assistance for over 27,000 households.

Over 1,200 Urban Search and Rescue personnel remain in the field helping people. These teams have rescued or supported over 3,200 survivors to date. 1,500 active-duty military personnel have been deployed. 22 shelters are available for housing. More than 86% of originally reported power outages have been restored.

In Florida, FEMA has approved more than $87 million for over 13,000 households. FEMA specialists are canvassing Florida communities affected by Helene to help survivors apply for assistance.

In South Carolina, FEMA has approved over $57 million for more than 73,500 households.

In Georgia, FEMA has approved over $31 million for more than 39,000 households.

WTF do you want? You're pissed that FEMA hasn't rebuilt these people's houses yet? FEMA doesn't do that.

Funny, republicans didn't have their panties in a twist when Orange Jesus withheld about $20 billion in hurricane relief for Puerto Rico following the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, one of the deadliest U.S. natural disasters in over 100 years.

Hurricane Maria killed 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout yet Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll.

Trump delayed aid to Puerto Rico for two years.

You think maybe they suffered from that malicious neglect?

Funny, I don't recall any of the republicans here giving a rat's ass about them then.

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