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Author: MisterFungi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: The second American revolution
Date: 02/26/2025 3:17 PM
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Gator, please don’t fall for the scam. Jamie Dimon is saying what he needs to say on CNBC in order to stay out of the line of fire. The purpose of DOGE is not to identify and eliminate inefficiencies or abuse. It’s to traumatize government. The objective is to concentrate power to benefit Musk, Trump, and the rest of the patriarchy. Just as Orban did in Hungary or Putin in Russia. They’re following the playbook exactly.

From Prof. Tim Snyder, an authority on the subject:

“No one in or around DOGE, or in or around the White House, is talking about the good things that government does for people, how government can ease lives, how government can liberate. No one speaks about the benefits of workplace safety or consumer protection or disease control or public schools or public highways or health care or pensions. "Fraud" becomes a paradigm, undermining the sense of having a government. The implication is that only a lone oligarch can be pure and uncorrupt. The opposite, of course, is the case.

…If government is dirty, we are meant to think, then the oligarch is pure. Only a centibillionaire can carry out the necessary cleansing, the happy purge.

…Musk's "fraud" rhetoric is presented as an anti-politics, as something fresh and exciting. But it is in fact a politics, a very old sort, the politics of oligarchy. As he himself has made clear himself, Musk is a politician with a program. It is to disable the rule of law, leaving no barriers to his oligarchical power. In this scheme, the only parts of government meant to function are the ones used to silence people who point out this obvious truth.”
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