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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 555 
Subject: Surveillance Nation
Date: 03/11/2024 6:04 PM
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Yes, your new car is probably tracking your driving habits, and whether you know it or not, your insurance company is probably monitoring how you drive (which may have significant implication for your next insurance premium).

Your car may be ratting you out to your insurance company

 Manufacturers of connected cars are sharing way more data than customers
may realize, the New York Times reported Monday, and that's only half the
problem. According to the report, automakers may be sharing statistics about
customer driving habits with their insurance companies directly. If you drive
a car with built-in telematics in a way that you'd rather your insurance company
not know about, you may want to keep reading.

So far, the Times has only linked the activity to instances where customers
voluntarily opt into various connected features, but how customers agree
(not to mention whether they understand exactly what they're agreeing to)
varies by manufacturer. In the cases of OEMs like Tesla, who provide their
own insurance either in-house or via a partnership, customers are made aware
that the service will monitor their driving behavior. Some third-party insurers
even offer electronic monitoring devices that interface with the universal
on-board diagnostic (OBD) port located on every mass-market vehicle.

In other instances, however, the data collection is less transparent.
NYT called out General Motors in particular for sharing data with third
parties with little (or ambiguous) documentation. GM's optional OnStar
Smart Driver service offers to track customer driving habits, ostensibly
to help them behave more safely and economically, but does not obviously
disclose that the collected statistics may end up in databases like LexisNexis
that are available to insurance companies. Multiple owners of high-performance
GM vehicles claimed they were targeted by insurance companies for rate hikes
after taking their cars to the track while the service was active. In some
cases, those customers may have been enrolled in the service at the dealership
as part of a larger OnStar bundle.

Other automakers acknowledged arrangements with third-party data collection
firms, but in more limited and situational contexts.

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