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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Texirish 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: More OXY. Less Liberty.
Date: 06/18/2024 2:29 PM
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NOLA622 (or anyone)

First thanks for the useful details on recent OXY purchases.

Next, has anyone kept track of the purchases (ignoring sales during the pandemic) and calculated an average price per share?

I ask because this would save me a bunch of transcribing to Excel the data NOLa622 has shared.

My interest is how well has OXY actually performed with respect to Chevron, and even ExxonMobil?

They are somewhat different companies than OXY in that CVX also has more O&G worldwide investments than OXY - plus refining and some petrochemicals. XOM the same - but more so. Much larger in what most call downstream and especially petrochemicals. So I view OXY as a more focused investment on O&G, and especially the Permian. As Buffett has said, a bet on oil prices - a purer play than an O&G industry investment.

So I want to compare how this has worked out so far.

Any help appreciated before I start typing a lot of data - and probably don't have it all.

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