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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump's Tax plan
Date: 12/30/2024 12:13 PM
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Odds are that the 2017 tax cuts get extended.
Have no idea if Trump tariff plan get implemented. If they do, linked article shows
it is a net higher tax for all but the highest income group.

Odds are that the deficit is going to soar ( again ) under Trump. Inflation will not go negative,
prices for the products that we all use on a regular basis are not going to come down.

Writing about this in a stoic manner, removing my disdain for Trump:
Trump was a lousy businessman. Got bailed out by Daddy many, many times.
Trump's most successful time was play-acting a hard-ass businessman on TV. It saved him.
Trump's main money maker is licensing his name on products or real estate ventures that
other people develop and run. Trump was historically bad at making rational analysis
of possible business ventures. ( IRS records show he lost the most amount of money
of any American over a 10 year period from 85-94 )

I am having a really hard time convincing myself to remain invested in the Stock Markets,
with Trump in charge. If no catastrophies occur, Trump's policies do not look good.

And odds are that some type of catastrophe occurs under his watch.

What are other investors plans for the next 4 years ?
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